hide random home http://www.microsoft.com/msword/internet/viewer/viewer95/default.htm (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

Microsoft Word Viewer for Windows 95, Version 7.1

Microsoft is proud to announce Microsoft® Word Viewer for Windows®95 Version 7.1, a tool that enables Microsoft Word users to share their documents with more people than ever before! Microsoft Word Viewer is a small no-charge, freely distributable program that lets people view and print Word for Windows (version 1.0 and greater) and Word for the Macintosh® (versions 4.0 and greater) documents. Microsoft Word Viewer gives users the flexibility to view documents in Page Layout view, Outline view, Header/Footer view, and to display footnotes and annotations. Word Viewer does not allow you to edit files; however, it does allow you to copy information from a document and activate OLE objects from within Microsoft Word Viewer

Use Word Viewer 7.1 to follow Hyperlinks!

The new Word Viewer will follow Hyperlinks in Word documents and adds interoperability with popular Web browsers to reach World Wide Web (WWW) destinations.

Creating Word documents for the Internet and Internal Webs

More and more people are creating and distributing documents over the Internet and internal corporate Webs, and Microsoft has created tools to facilitate this process. Internet Assistant for Microsoft Word is the easiest way for you to create and edit great-looking documents for the Internet and internal corporate Webs. One important benefit of Internet Assistant is that it allows you to insert hyperlinks into regular Word documents. This makes it simple for you to create Web documents from existing Word documents without having to convert them to another format. It also allows you to create hyperlinked, richly formatted Word documents with OLE objects.

See the Internet Assistant for Microsoft Word Home Page for more information on Web authoring with Microsoft Word.

Use Word Viewer for Word documents posted on an Internal Corporate Web or the Internet

Word Viewer 7.1 is built to automatically configure itself as a Helper Application for Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer (it can also be manually configured as Helper Application for other browsing tools). This allows users to automatically view Word documents (.doc) that are linked to HTML pages on a LAN or the WWW.

Word Viewer by itself can follow document hyperlinks on a LAN. This new capability allows you to browse rich document systems on a LAN in much the same way a Web browser allows you to navigate the Internet. If you activate a document hyperlink to a WWW site, or service, Viewer starts any major Web browsing tool that you have installed. The browser then follows the hyperlink onto the Web.

Microsoft Word Viewer is Freeware!

This product is "freeware." You are encouraged to copy and distribute Word Viewer to friends and co-workers, or post it on public electronic bulletin boards, LANs, and Internet sites.

While Word Viewer allows you to view and print Word documents using the look and feel of Microsoft Word, the retail version of Microsoft Word contains all the award-winning document creation and editing features that make everyday word processing tasks easier. If you do not own Microsoft Word and would like to join the 21 million users who have made it the world's best selling word processor, please contact Microsoft Sales Information Center at (800) 426-9400 for pre-sales information in the U.S. To order Microsoft Word directly, call the Microsoft Order Desk at (800) 360-7561. If you are outside the United States, contact the Microsoft subsidiary for your area. To locate your subsidiary, call the Microsoft International Sales Information Center at (206) 936-8661.

Distributing Word Viewer

If you would like to add a reference to Word Viewer at a World Wide Web site, please add a Hyperlink to this home page. This will ensure that anyone who obtains Viewer from that Web site will have access to the latest version of Viewer, and up to date information about it.

If you would like to reference Word Viewer at a text based online location, please add the text version of this file, which is available as Wd95vw71.txt at any of the online locations listed below. As noted above, this will ensure that anyone who wishes to obtain Viewer from a text based site will have access to the latest version of Viewer.

If you choose to distribute Word Viewer on a LAN or on floppy disks, please see the instructions contained in the Readme.doc in the \Wordview folder after you install Word Viewer 7.1.

Sources for Word Viewer

Word users who post their documents on the Internet or distribute them on disk may choose to point readers to one of the following locations where they can retrieve Word Viewer. (File Name for all online services: Wd95vw71.exe; Size: 2.2 MB; Download Time: 1 hour at 9600bps.)

If you plan to download Word Viewer from any of the non-Web locations you must first download Wd95vw71.txt and review the End User License Agreement contained within it. If you agree to the license terms you may then download Wd95vw71.exe and install Word Viewer.

The World Wide Web (WWW)

Word Viewer is available under the "Free stuff" heading on the Microsoft Word Home Page which can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/MSWord/. If you are reading this file from the Web you can click the Hyperlink at the end of the document to automatically download Word Viewer.

The Microsoft Network (MSN)

Members of The Microsoft Network may download Word Viewer from the Microsoft Word Forum (MSWORD).

The Microsoft Download Service (MSDL)

If you have a modem, you can obtain Word Viewer from the MSDL, which you can reach by calling (206) 936-6735 (936-MSDL). The filename is Wd95vw71.exe. The text version of this home page is also available there as Wd95vw71.txt. The MSDL is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The highest download speed available is 14,400 bits per second (bps). For more information about using the MSDL, call (800) 936-4100 and follow the prompts.

CompuServe®, Genie™, and Microsoft Partner Network (MSPN)

On CompuServe, GEnie, and MSPN, Word Viewer (Wd95vw71.exe) is located in the Microsoft Software Library. The text version of this home page is also available there as Wd95vw71.txt. (Wd95vw71.exe is also available in Library 2 of the MSWORD forum on CompuServe.)


On the Internet, Word Viewer is located on the Microsoft anonymous ftp server, which you can reach by typing "ftp ftp.microsoft.com" (without the quotation marks) at the ">" command prompt. The Wd95vw71.exe file is located in the /Softlib/Mslfiles subdirectory (notice that this path uses a forward slash [/] instead of a backslash [\] character). The text version of this home page is also available there as Wd95vw71.txt. To download the files, type the following commands, pressing ENTER after each line:

cd /softlib/mslfiles


get wd95vw71.txt

(or: get wd95vw71.exe)

Note: The "bi" command changes the download protocol to binary. By default, Microsoft server downloads in ASCII mode. If you download Word Viewer in ASCII mode, it will be a corrupt file.

Microsoft Order Desk

To obtain Word Viewer by mail, call Microsoft Order Desk at (800) 360-7561. The part number for Word Viewer 7.1 is 059054213; there is a nominal shipping and handling charge for the product. If you are outside the United States, contact the Microsoft subsidiary for your area. To locate your subsidiary, call Microsoft International Customer Service at (206) 936-8661.

Windows 95 on CD-ROM - Version 7.0 ONLY

Word Viewer for Windows 95 Version 7.0 is available on the CD-ROM version of Windows 95. (It is not distributed on the Windows 95 floppy disks.) On the CD-ROM, Word Viewer is located in the Other\Wordview folder. Please note: Word Viewer 7.0 does not allow users to follow Hyperlinks, nor does it automatically configure itself as a Helper Application for Netscape and Mosaic.

Installing Microsoft Word Viewer

System Requirements for using Word Viewer


Word Viewer 7.1 is available for download from several online information services, listed above under "Sources for Word Viewer." To obtain Word Viewer, download Wd95vw71.exe and place it in an empty folder on your hard disk. Wd95vw71.exe is a compressed, self-extracting file. After you download Wd95vw71.exe, run it to extract the files it contains and automatically begin the Setup process.

For setup instructions click here to read Install.txt.

For additional information on using Word Viewer, see Readme.doc, located in the same directory as Word Viewer. To view this file, run Word Viewer, select the folder where you installed Word Viewer in the "Open" dialog box, click Readme.doc, and click OK.

Word Viewer for Windows 95 Version 7.0 ONLY, is available on the CD-ROM version of Windows 95. (It is not distributed on the Windows 95 floppy disks.) On the CD-ROM, Word Viewer is located in the Other\Wordview folder.

Word Viewer Technical Support

The README.DOC in the Word Viewer folder contains an extensive list of online sources for Technical Support information.

Microsoft also offers Word Viewer support on the standard Word for Windows Product Support Services phone line, at (206) 462-9673.

Click Here To Review The License Agreement and Download Microsoft Word Viewer, Version 7.1

(File Name:wd95vw71.exe, Size: 2.2MB, Download Time: 1 hour at 9600bps)

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GEnie is a trademark of General Electric Corporation.
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