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Microsoft Developer Network

MSDN Publications

Whether you're developing software for the Microsoft® Windows®, Windows NT(TM) Workstation, or Microsoft BackOffice platforms, or using Microsoft development-related products, we'll provide the toolkits and information you need to help you perform your job more successfully.

The Microsoft Developer Network currently publishes the following CD-ROM and online titles, described in detail in the sections below:

Developer Network News

All Microsoft Developer Network members receive the six bimonthly issues of the Developer Network News . The Developer Network News supplements the Development Library with up-to-the-minute information about Microsoft's systems strategy and development products. Here you'll find case studies detailing successful implementations of BackOffice solutions, the future direction of Windows and BackOffice strategy, new development products, updates to current products (and how to get them), programming tips, the lively Backtalk column where readers' questions are answered, and key phone numbers for Microsoft development information, services, and support.

The Developer Network News is also available as a World Wide Web publication, on http://www.microsoft.com/devonly.

Requesting extra copies of the Developer Network News

Use the postage-paid reply cards included in your Welcome Kit to request free copies of the Developer Network News for your friends or co-workers. You may also request additional copies through the Developer Network's CompuServe and Internet addresses:

Internet: msdn@microsoft.com
CompuServe: >INTERNET:msdn@microsoft.com (or type GO MSDN)

Development Library

All members receive four quarterly editions (each issue is cumulative in content) of the Microsoft Development Library, which delivers all the information you need to program for the Windows and Windows NT Workstation operating systems and to create applications with Microsoft Office and BackOffice. The Development Library includes a wide variety of technical articles, sample code, product documentation, the developer Knowledge Base, select content from third-party periodicals, and Microsoft Press books.

Getting started with the Development Library

You can find information in the Development Library in three basic ways: browsing the table of contents, using queries to locate specific information, or using the Keyword Index to look up information on functions, messages, and structures. One of the quickest ways to learn how to use the Development Library is to read the "Getting Oriented" section of the online Help file (press F1 to open the Help file). This topic will provide you with a good overview of how the Library works and how you can customize it to fit your needs. Other sections of the Help file can assist you with locating and using the information found on the Library, including queries, keywords, bookmarks, sample code, copying, and printing.

Development Library contents

Here are some of the collections you'll find in the Development Library CD-ROM:

The Library also contains a number of informative articles that point toward developer resources beyond the contents of the Library, including "Third-Party Component Products and Services for Microsoft Development Tools," "Microsoft Press Technical Reference Books," and "CompuServe Corner."

For a sampling of technical articles, backgrounders, specs, and samples, see the Development Library Sampler.

Development Platform

The quarterly Development Platform, available with Level 2 and 3 memberships, brings you the latest released versions of Software Development Kits (SDKs) and Device Driver Kits (DDKs) from Microsoft. It also includes current U.S. and international versions of Microsoft Windows, Windows for Workgroups, and Windows NT Workstation operating systems (retail and debug).

Getting started with the Development Platform

The Development Platform includes the Installer program, which allows you to browse the contents of the Platform CDs and install products easily. You can set up the Installer program either directly from the Development Platform CDs or from the Development Library. (The overview in the Development Platform Contents section outlines the contents of the Development Platform and includes the setup program for the Platform Installer.) To learn how to use the Installer, read the "Getting Oriented" section of the Installer Help file (press F1 to open the Help file). This topic defines the buttons on the toolbar, explains how you can explore the contents of the Platform CDs, and describes customization options.

Development Platform contents

The Development Platform October 1995 release contains the following:

Development kits and tools:

Operating systems:

BackOffice Test Platform

The BackOffice Test Platform, available only to Level 3 members, delivers the latest released versions of the five server components of Microsoft BackOffice so you can test your client-server solutions with confidence.

With the BackOffice Test Platform, you're assured of always having the latest versions of the BackOffice products, including all upgrades and bug fixes. You also won't have to wait if an important pre-release or final release--such as Microsoft Exchange--falls in between the quarterly shipment cycles; we'll send it to you as a "premium shipment" at no extra charge.

BackOffice Test Platform contents

The first-ever BackOffice Test Platform was released in October 1995 and contained the following products:

Online Publications

The Microsoft Developer Network has a significant online presence and will continue to take advantage of the online medium to provide rich, timely, interactive information and a place to contribute to the growing community of developers for Windows who participate in online forums, chats, and conferences.

The Developer Network has the following online offerings:

Be sure to install WinCIM sm , a Windows front end developed by CompuServe for accessing its electronic service. You'll find WinCIM in the Member Kiosk, Other Postings section of the Development Library, in a version customized by the Developer Network to facilitate your access to all of Microsoft's developer services available on CompuServe.

© 1996 Microsoft Corporation

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