Development Library Sampler
The Microsoft® Development Library is available through membership in the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) program. Each quarter, members receive the latest issue of the Development Library, which contains a comprehensive set of information that they can search and browse easily: technical articles, sample code, product documentation, books, magazine articles, miscellaneous tools and utilities, and much more. This section provides a sampling of articles, specs, and samples from the Development Library.
Technical Articles:
From CPP to COM
(01-Mar-96) New!
How to Obtain and Use the "Designed for Windows 95" Logo
Diving into the New Windows Logo Requirements--Update (23-Feb-96)
Microsoft Speech API (23-Feb-96)
Image Color Matching and Printer Drivers in Windows 95 (12-Feb-96)
Designing COM Interfaces (22-Jan-96)
The COM Programmer's Cookbook (22-Jan-96)
The Rules of the Component Object Model (22-Jan-96)
Building Add-Ins for Visual Basic 4.0 (3-Jan-96)
OLE Controls and Control Containers Guidelines, Version 1.1 (19-Dec-95)
MFC/COM Objects 8: Revisiting Multiple Inheritance Without MFC (20-Nov-95)
OpenGL VI: Rendering on DIBs with PFD_DRAW_TO_BITMAP (31-Jul-95)
OpenGL VII: Scratching the Surface of Texture Mapping (31-Jul-95)
The IShellLink Interface (16-May-95)
Using Shell Links in Windows 95 (16-May-95)
Making Room for Long Filenames (14-Apr-95)
Building Asynchronous Data Access Solutions Using MAPI (11-Apr-95)
Creating 32-Bit Screen Savers with Visual C++ and MFC (11-Apr-95)
Leveraging the Mainframe in Business Solutions with Microsoft Access and Visual Basic (16-Mar-95)
OpenGL I: Quick Start (8-Mar-95)
OpenGL II: Windows Palettes in RGBA Mode (8-Mar-95)
OpenGL III: Building an OpenGL C++ Class (8-Mar-95)
OpenGL IV: Color Index Mode (8-Mar-95)
OpenGL V: Translating Windows DIBs (8-Mar-95)
Windows NT OpenGL: Getting Started (8-Mar-95)
The Windows NT Kernel-Mode Driver Cookbook, Featuring Visual C++ (24-Feb-95)
Writing Windows NT Kernel-Mode Drivers in C++ (24-Feb-95)
Message Blaster: Processing Messages in Visual Basic (24-Feb-95)
Animation Techniques for Win32 - Chapter Three: Palettes and the Palette Manager (28-Jan-95)
Simple Custom Controls for 32-Bit Visual C++ Applications (28-Jan-95)
Why Have Two Desktop Operating Systems? (28-Jan-95)
Windows NT Security (28-Jan-95)
Generic: Anatomy of a Simple Win32 Application (13-Jan-95)
Designing Client-Server Applications for Enterprise Database Connectivity (29-Dec-94)
Backup and Recovery Guidelines for Microsoft SQL Server (15-Dec-94)
Moving Unix Applications to Windows NT (15-Dec-94)
Development Guidelines for Porting Win16 Applications to Win32 (1-Dec-94)
Backgrounders and White Papers:
Case Study: Amoco Corporation (31-Jul-95)
Case Study: VetSmart (31-Jul-95)
Developing Applications with Microsoft Exchange (15-Dec-94)
Integration of Windows NT Server DHCP and WINS into a Novell NetWare IP Environment (13-Mar-95)
Jet Database Engine 2.0: A User's Overview (29-Dec-94)
Microsoft Win32 API Overview (1-Dec-94)
Microsoft Windows and the Plug and Play Framework Architecture (28-Jan-95)
Migrating to Microsoft Exchange and Achieving Productive Coexistence (14-Feb-95)
Networking in Windows 95: Adding Value to Connected Windows-Based PCs (28-Jan-95)
ODBC: Architecture, Performance, and Tuning (13-Jan-95)
OLE Custom Controls Backgrounder (1-Dec-94)
The Microsoft Object Technology Strategy (14-Feb-95)
The Microsoft/NetSoft AS/400 Connectivity Partnership (12-Apr-95)
Unicode Support in Win32 (13-Jan-95)
Writing Great 32-Bit Applications for Windows (29-Dec-94)
Plug and Play BIOS Specification 1.0A (1-Dec-94)
Plug and Play ISA Specification 1.0a (1-Dec-94)
Plug and Play Parallel Port Devices 1.0 (1-Dec-94)
Plug and Play SCSI Specification 1.0 (1-Dec-94)
TrueType in Windows 95 (31-Jul-95)
Sample Applications:
Sample Applications for MAPI Using MFC
OLE Messaging Samples
Simple MAPI Include Files for Visual Basic
ANIMSAMP: Samples from Animation Techniques for Win32 (28-Jan-95)
CALL32: 32-bit DLL Calling Library for Visual Basic (1-Dec-94)
CDPLAY: Shows How to Play Selected Tracks on a Musical CD Player (14-Feb-95)
DOSIOCTL: Simulates MS-DOS Functions Under Windows NT (13-Mar-95)
DRAGDROP: Demonstrates Dragging and Dropping in FoxPro (31-Jul-95)
GUIGREP: Implements a File Manager Extension (13-Jan-95)
MASKBLT: Demonstrates the Win32 MaskBlt Function (13-Jan-95)
MFCTREE: Using the CTreeCtrl Class (14-Apr-95)
MRUDEMO: Implements Most Recently Used File List for C Programs (29-Dec-94)
MTDLL: Demonstrates Multithreaded Programming in Windows NT (1-Dec-94)
PATHS: Uses Paths for Drawing, Filling, and Clipping (28-Jan-95)
READWRIT: Demonstrates Read/Write Synchronization (28-Jan-95)
Registry Class: Accesses and Sets Registry Values (31-Jul-95)
SYSPAL: 32-Bit MFC Application That Shows the System Palette (15-Dec-94)
TreeView: Implements the Tree View Common Control in Windows 95 (14-Apr-95)
VBPRINT: Demonstrates Printing in Visual Basic 3.0 (14-Feb-95)
WINNET: Demonstrates WIN32 Network Functions (15-Dec-94)
WORLD: Demonstrates World Coordinate Transforms (29-Dec-94)
Tools and Utilities:
AUTODUCK: Creates Help Files from Program Source Code (15-Dec-94)
BITEDIT: Tool for Editing Bitmaps (28-Jan-95)
CHECK32: Verifies .EXE Files for Windows 95 Compatibility (1-Dec-94)
HISTOGRAM: Demonstrates a Microsoft Excel Wizard Using VBA (29-Dec-94)
OLE2VIEW: Views OLE 2.0 Objects and Interfaces (15-Dec-94)
PLUG: Plug and Play Diagnostic Tools (29-Dec-94)
VCCLEAN: Deletes Visual C++ Compile-Generated Files (13-Jan-95)
WAVEMIX: Plays Multiple .WAV Files Simultaneously (13-Mar-95)
WINVIEW: Monitors Messages (Enhanced Version of Spy) (28-Jan-95)
WPS: Displays Information on Tasks, Open Files, and Modules (14-Feb-95)