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Microsoft Visual Test

Click on the question to display the answer, or click here to view all the questions on a single page.

How do I find information about the controls that are being used by the application I am testing?

How Can I get the updated DLL's for MSTest 3.0a?.

How do I order MSTest 3.0a?.

I have recorded some scripts using the Recorder and when played back I get an error. What should I do?

Can I distribute my MSTest Scripts to my customers?

How do I test my Visual Basic application using MSTest ?

How do I start my application using a MSTest Script?

I am trying to use the Network Distribution Libraries and I could not establish connection between the host and the station.

What is the difference between MSTest 3.0 and 3.0a?

I don't have a printed Language Reference, where do I find the description and syntax for a command?

© 1996 Microsoft Corporation