Microsoft Developer Network
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to view all the questions on a single page.
How do I install Windows NT 3.5 without boot floppies?
I see Dr. GUI bitmaps instead of graphics. Why?
Why does the Windows 3.11 Setup program install Windows 3.1?
Why do some samples copy the wrong files when I click the Copy All button?
Why doesn't the Development Platform contain compilers?
How can I participate in Microsoft product beta programs?
Where can I find samples that are missing from the Library CD?
Are the tools used to build the Development Library available?
There are wrong hyperlinks on the CD. Why?
How do I get product support for the contents of the Development Platform?
Some of the .DOC and .WRI files are unreadable. Why?
Several Knowlede Base articles are missing. Why?
How can I obtain general information about Microsoft development products?
How can I get more information about DevCast?
How can I get help with my Microsoft Systems Journal (MSJ) subscription?
What is the difference between Level 1 and Level 2 membership?
How can I subscribe to the Developer Network News?
Can I copy the CD contents to a large hard drive and run it from there?
How can I join the Developer Network?
Can I move my bookmarks to another computer that has the Library installed?
What is the difference between the Microsoft Developer Network and TechNet?
How do I get setup support for the Development Library or Platform?
When will the next edition of the Development Library and Platform ship?
How much does a membership in the Developer Network cost?
I have a membership problem; can you help me?
What licensing agreements are available for Level 1 and Level 2 memberships?
How can I find out more about the Windows Certification Program (MCP)?
Where can I find the CD's sample code?
Development Platform Contents (July '95)
My CD-ROM drive can't read the CD. What is wrong?
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