Thank you for your interest in downloading the Internet Information Server documentation. The documentation is available in two formats: as HTML files, and as Microsoft® Word files. For best results, you should use Internet Explorer to download the files; if you do not have Internet Explorer installed on your computer, go to Internet Explorer Download Page.
To download the HTML files properly with Internet Explorer, please follow the instructions below.
Important: Failure to follow these steps will result in incorrect directory structure and faulty links.
- After you click the link to download the HTML files, an "Unhandled File Type" dialog box will appear. Choose the Save As button.
- In the Save As dialog box, set Directories to the root of the drive (that is, the drive letter without any subdirectories; typically C:\) to which you want to copy the HTML files. Do not copy the HTML files to the \Temp directory.
- After iisdocs.exe is copied to the root directory, open the command-prompt window, change to the root directory, and type
iisdocs.exe -d
to expand the files and directories (be sure to include the -d switch).
Download IIS documentation in HTML format
For your convenience in viewing and printing the Microsoft® Word files, we have also provided a link to download the Word Viewer.
Download IIS documentation in Microsoft Word version 2.0 format
Download IIS documentation in Microsoft Word versions 6.0 and 7.0 format
Word Viewer Download Page