We're always looking for ways to make this site better, and have no shortage of ideas we'd like to try.
Of course, the only changes really worthwhile are ones that make your experience here more pleasant and valuable.
Every week we'll post a new question asking for your input on a design, navigation, or content issue we're trying to resolve. Here's your chance to point us in the right direction. |
What resolution should we target when designing web pages? If you've been visiting For Developers Only for a while you noticed we've made our home page physically smaller (it's actually designed to fit on a monitor running at 640 x 480 whereas the previous version required 600 x 800). The upside: it fits on low resolution monitors without scrolling, and if you have a higher resolution monitor you can make the browser window smaller and still see everything. The downside: we're not able to offer as many navigation tools on the home page (without scrolling) so you have to do a bit more clicking to get around the site. Which alternative do you prefer? |
Click here to mail us your response
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