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Developer Network News Special Section - Professional Developers Conference

From a Solution Provider's Perspective…

by John Coffey

March 13, 1996

John Coffey is the principal consultant for Moss Micro, LLC.

With over 75 years cumulative experience creating GUI client/server distributed database solutions, we have a lot invested in Microsoft development tools, operating systems, and database management systems. Microsoft's visual tools and BackOffice Internet strategy using ActiveX, IIS, ISAPI, Windows NT, Exchange, and SQL Server will allow us to carry our knowledge and experience forward into the new paradigm.

Microsoft is bringing together the many disparate components currently needed to create an Internet-based solution into an open, focused environment. We're not starting over. All that we know and have learned as a software engineering company gives us a big head start in the new Internet world. The business problems are still the same, but now there are new technologies and tools, exposed in a familiar development paradigm, that will allow us to better tailor our solutions to specific client needs.

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