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Bill Gates Speeches

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Bill Gates Keynote Professional Developers Conference - March 13, 1996 Transcript Only

Bill Gates Keynote Windows World Mexico - February 1996

Bill Clinton & Bill Gates
Address Students on Importance of Preparing for Information Economy - February 1996

Support Freedom of Speech on the Internet - February 1996

Microsoft SHPE Conference - February 16, 1996

Black Entertainment Television Announcement - January 1996

Bill Gates Stanford Dedication - January 1996

Bank Administration Institute: Retail Delivery Systems Conference - December 1995

Microsoft Internet Strategy Day - Bill Gates Presentation - December 1995

Bill Gates Gives Glimpse of Personalized,
Connected Office In Keynote Address at COMDEX/Fall - November 1995

Keynote Speech Interactive Media Conference - June 1995

Lakeside High School 75th Anniversary - February, 1995

Information at Your Fingertips 2005 - Comdex Fall, November 1994

© 1996 Microsoft Corporation