(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 New Features and Capabilities Preview
Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 builds on the success of Microsoft SQL Server 6.0, a scalable, high performance database management system for Windows NT(tm)-based systems. Designed to meet the requirements of distributed client-server computing, SQL Server 6.5 is tightly integrated with the Microsoft BackOffice(tm) family of servers to enable organizations to improve decision making and streamline business processes. Currently in beta testing, SQL Server 6.5 is scheduled for final release in the second quarter of 1996. This factsheet is a preliminary overview of new capabilities in version 6.5 and is not intended as a complete summary of features. Refer to the Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 datasheet for information on current features and capabilities.
Information Anywhere, Anytime
- Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) manages transactions that span two or more SQL Server systems, guaranteeing transaction integrity and recoverability. Provides transparent two-phase commit support for server-to-server procedures and simplifies application development.
- Replication to ODBC subscribers including IBM DB2(r), ORACLE(r), SYBASE(r), and Microsoft Access. Allows SQL Server data to be distributed to non-SQL Server systems. Choose to replicate information dynamically as changes occur (log-based) or schedule 'snapshots' of tables and objects using SQL Server's built-in scheduling engine. Replication now also supports TEXT and IMAGE data types.
- Integration with the Internet ensures that valuable information in SQL Server systems can be made available to Internet users through tight integration with Microsoft Internet Information Server. A new SQL Web Assistant lets SQL Server automatically deliver information in HTML format. Updates with data changes or scheduled tasks, making it easy to keep Web pages current.
- New support for Microsoft Exchange allows SQL Server's built-in SQL Mail facility to send and receive email using Exchange. SQL Server can automatically populate Exchange Public Folders with SQL Server data, and can send administrative email or paging alerts.
- Enhancements for data warehousing include new OLAP query extensions, CUBE and ROLLUP, that allow a single query to return detail data and aggregates across multiple dimensions, simplifying information retrieval for analytical purposes. A new "data pipe" capability, provided by EXEC / INTO, allows SQL Server to programmatically retrieve information from multiple sources and populate SQL Server tables with the results. This functionality can be extremely useful in building "materialized views" of information for data warehousing applications. This capability can used with remote stored procedures extended stored procedures, and even proprietary or custom data sources, thus providing access to other Microsoft SQL Servers, other data sources via ODBC and SQL Server compatible gateways.
Powerful, Yet Simple
- Increased performance and scalability builds on the multithreaded parallel database design and record-breaking performance of Microsoft SQL Server 6.0. Enhancements include: reduced checkpoint serialization; faster sort and index performance for better throughput and response time; and additional counters and high-water marks for performance monitoring and turning.
- New support for PowerPC-based systems lets SQL Server take advantage of hardware platforms based on the PowerPC chip. SQL Server 6.5 also supports Intel(r). Alpha(r), and MIPS(r) platforms. SQL Server runs identically on all supported platforms, and supports single- and multi-processor systems right out of the box. Software for all processor architectures is included on a single CD.
- Support for very large databases (VLDB) has been enhanced to include dump and load of individual tables, index rebuilding without drop and recreate, and point-in-time recovery.
- Enhancements to SQL Enterprise Manager and administration capabilities include DBA and Web "Assistants", built-in SNMP monitoring and traps, domain-wide shared server groups, built-in Transfer Manager for moving schemas and data, extensible toolbar and menus for Microsoft or third-party add-ins, new OLE Automation objects for data transfer, and more. This release builds on and refines the innovative administration features introduced with Microsoft SQL Server 6.0.
Build Richer Applications, Easier
- Enhancements for Microsoft Visual Basic(r) developers include a 32-bit OCX implementation of DB-Library.
- Enhancements to SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO), SQL Server's OLE-based administration objects, increase programmer control and flexibility. New objects are included for data transfer and bulk copy, server groups and registered servers. Other enhancements include a new multi-threaded call-back for task progress notification.
- Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) dramatically simplifies the development of distributed applications performing multi-site updates. DTC automatically manages the two-phase commit process, removing this burden from the client application. It supports multiple programming interfaces including Transact-SQL(r), DB-Library(tm), ODBC, XA, and OLE Transactions. This wide choice or programming interfaces makes it easy for developers to enhance existing applications or build new distributed applications.
- SQL Mail enhancements for Microsoft Exchange now make it possible to send and receive email with Exchange or populate Exchange Public Folders with data from SQL Server. SQL Server can send email with optional attachments automatically when the data changes or on a scheduled basis using the built-in scheduling capabilities of SQL Executive.
- New support for industry standards include ANSI SQL-92 and FIPS 127-2 compliance using the NIST 5.1 certification suite, XA support for managing SQL Server as a resource with XA-compliant transaction processing monitors, and SNMP MIB and SNMP traps for monitoring SQL Server with SNMP-based management tools. SQL Server 6.5 enhances support for other standards including ODBC, DB-Library, MAPI, OLE, and Win32. Increased support for industry standards means that SQL Server is open and can interoperate with a wide variety of solutions.
- SQL language enhancements in SQL Server 6.5 are too numerous to detail here, but some examples include DDL statements within transactions, improved cursor processing with relaxed requirements for updates, distributed transactions, CUBE and ROLLUP operators for multi-dimensional aggregates, improved syntax for outer joins, and much more.
Run your business at a lower cost
- A leader in performance and scalability, Microsoft SQL Server delivers outstanding performance and price/performance, all on standard off-the-shelf hardware. Scaling up or down with SQL Server is easy, and because it runs the same on any supported system there is no need for retraining. SQL Server runs on Intel- and RISC-based systems, single- and multi-processor systems right out of the box. No need for expensive and complex add-ons.
- Innovation and leadership in graphical administration and ease of use means that with Microsoft SQL Server, less time is spent installing software, building applications, deploying and managing business solutions. With SQL Server's integrated graphical administration, automation and alerting capabilities, you'll save time and money using your information rather than managing it.
- Leverage desktop technologies and expertise with SQL Server 6.5 and use your developers to the fullest. By taking advantage of the same technologies developers use for desktop applications, such as Visual Basic, OLE, MAPI, and ODBC, getting applications built and solutions deployed is quicker and easier with Microsoft SQL Server 6.5.
The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment of the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This document is for informational purposes only.
Copyright 1996 Microsoft Corporation. Information is subject to change without notice. Microsoft, Visual Basic and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Alpha is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. IBM and DB2are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. MIPS is a registered trademark of MIPS Computer Systems, Inc. ORACLE is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. SYBASE and Transact-SQL are registered trademarks and DB-Library is a trademark of Sybase, Inc.
Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA
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Part no. 098-64144 January 1996 Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Preliminary Factsheet