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Powered by BackOffice

Logo License Agreement

POWERED BY MICROSOFT® BACKOFFICE™ Logo Guidelines and Agreement.
If your web site is Powered by Microsoft BackOffice and you would like to use this logo on your web site, we ask you to abide by the following rules:

Submit information about your site on the Logo Sign-Up Form. By submitting information about your site you are agreeing to abide by the criteria and image usage guidelines for using the Powered by Microsoft BackOffice logo. You may use this logo at a registered Microsfot BackOffice-based Web site subject to the following terms and conditions. Failure to comply with the criteria and these guidelines may result in revocation of your authorization to use the logo.

  1. The logo may be used on any site running Microsoft BackOffice, which must include Windows NT Server.
  2. Agree to allow us to publish the URL of your web site, as a web site Powered by Microsoft BackOffice.
  3. Make the graphic a hot link to: http://www.microsoft.com/BackOffice/powered.htm.
  4. You may not alter the image in any way and you must use the image as provided to you at the designated loaction.
  5. The logo must stand alone and must not be combined with any other images such as type, graphics or logos.
  6. Do not use the logo to disparage Microsoft, its products or its services.
Microsoft reserves the right to change the logo and the criteria and guidelines for using the image at any time and may revoke your authorization to use the image if you are not using it in the manner set forth in the above guidelines.
Microsoft BackOffice is the network foundation for Internet computing.
Microsoft BackOffice is an integrated family of server software made up of Microsoft Windows NT Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Systems Management Server, Microsoft SNA Server and Microsoft Mail Server, soon to be upgraded to Microsoft Exchange Server.

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