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Microsoft User Group Program
Visit your Local Computer User Group!

Do you have questions about Microsoft software? Ask the "experts" at your local user group.

User Group Leaders...This section is for you! Find out the latest on how Microsoft supports user groups.

Learn more about Microsoft products... Attend a user group meeting near you.

Search for a user group near you below...
Follow these four quick steps to find a listing of user groups in your area.

1. User Groups can be general or can focus their discussions on certain products. Choose a product family from the list below that meets your interests.

Product Family:

2. User Groups meet on a monthly basis. Choose the region of the world where you live from the list below.


3. If you are looking for a specific user group, enter their name below. Otherwise, move to step 4.

User Group Name (optional):

4. To see the results of your search press the below SEARCH button.

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