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Microsoft® Directory Services Strategy

A White Paper from the Business Systems Technology Series


This paper provides an overview of Microsoft's Directory Services Strategy -- its roadmap to delivering a next-generation directory service and solving customer problems associated with multiple directories.

About the Microsoft Business Systems Technology Series

The Microsoft Business Systems Technology Series consists of a number of interrelated white papers dedicated to educating IT professionals about the Windows NT™ operating system and the Microsoft BackOffice™ family of products. While current technologies used in Microsoft products are often covered, the real purpose of this series is to give the reader an idea of how major technologies are evolving, how Microsoft is using those technologies, and what this means to information technology planners.

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The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, this document should not be interpreted as a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.

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0895 Part No. 098-61433


Microsoft Vision of the Future
Directory Evolution
Current-Generation Directory Services
Next-Generation Directory Services
Microsoft's Directory Services Road Map
Phase I
Phase II
Application Integration
Extending Windows NT Server Directory Services to Heterogeneous Networks
Phase III
Phase IV
Windows NT Server - Cairo
Transition from Windows NT Server to Windows NT Server Cairo
Open Directory Services Interfaces
The Situation Today
The Solution


Because networks can make information readily available, they are becoming an essential business tool. To fulfill that role more efficiently, however, networks must become more functional, more manageable, and more adaptable to the way people work. As a network technology and a fundamental element of distributed computing systems, directory services will play an important part in achieving these goals.

This white paper discusses directory services in the context of the evolution toward distributed computing, as well as provide a strategic road map for Microsoft's customers and partners. As a road map, this document describes the directory service support found in today's products, Microsoft's intentions when it comes to developing next-generation directory services, and Microsoft's goals for the future.

Microsoft Vision of the Future

In 1990, Bill Gates outlined his vision of Information At Your Fingertips (IAYF). That vision is based on a simple yet powerful idea: building computing systems that allow people to focus on information, rather than the technical aspects of the system that contains the information. People should be capable of storing, accessing, managing, and analyzing data from a wide variety of sources without having to think about where it is physically stored and what applications are needed to manipulate it. In other words, Microsoft sees as its ultimate goal nothing less than changing the way people use computers.

Because of the transparency of access it will allow, a distributed computing infrastructure is one element essential to making the IAYF vision a reality. Such an infrastructure will allow network resources to be found and used independently of their location or their type, ensuring secure access to those resources. Distributed computing systems will also support a more efficient use of the aggregate power of all the machines on the network, making the network both more available and manageable as it grows.

A complete distributed computing infrastructure will be comprised of a variety of technologies and components. For example, a micro-kernel based operating system is an essential network foundation component. To accommodate the heterogeneous nature of today's networks, that operating system must be portable to a wide variety of hardware architectures and be able to support a rich set of network communications protocols. It must also be scaleable, capable of supporting everything from networks in small companies to those in global enterprises. Just as important, that operating system must include a widely supported set of application programming interfaces for application development.

Directory services are another essential component of a distributed computing environment. To make distributed computing truly seamless, however, directory services must be fully integrated with an object-oriented, distributed file system. The Burton Group Report document "Directory Services Strategic Overview" terms this a next-generation directory service. Next-generation directory services must also be tightly integrated with the micro-kernel-based operating system that serves as the foundation for the distributed computing environment.

Microsoft has been hard at work for several years, building the foundation for distributed computing that will fulfill the goals of IAYF. A result of this work is Windows NT Server. Windows NT Server is the micro-kernel operating system foundation on which Microsoft's distributed computing system is based. It's scalability, portability, security, robustness, and interoperability have already been proven in the marketplace. Windows NT Server also includes a widely accepted set of programming interfaces- Win32® and OLE-used by a large number of application developers to create advanced business applications. As a result, many customers have adopted Windows NT Server and are using it both as their primary network environment and to run their businesses.

With the foundation for its distributed computing environment firmly in place, Microsoft is creating the next-generation distributed services that will be integrated with Windows NT Server, thereby completing the distributed computing picture. And, because the network environment will be based on the foundation provided by Windows NT Server, distributed computing will not come at the cost of making current Microsoft network systems obsolete. The transition path to IAYF will be a smooth one because the foundation for it-Windows NT Server-can be obtained and implemented today.

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