Ankara Telsiz ve Radyo Amatörleri Kulübü - Radio Amateurs Club of Ankara
ICHMT (International Centre For Heat & Mass Transfer) is the one and only international, scientific, non-governmental, non-profit organization who has its secretariat in Turkey. It is located at the Mechanical Engineering Department of METU and supported by both METU and TUBITAK.
LcsL (Laboratory for Computational Studies of Language) was established in 1994 as a part of the Turkish Natural Language Processing Initiative Project. Project is supported by NATO Science for Stability Program and carried out by METU, Bilkent University and Halici Computing Inc.
MODISA (TUBITAK - Advanced Manufacturing Systems Research Centre) is one of the active research centres of TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey). The main goals of Modisa are ;
SRDC (Software Research and Development Center) is a non-profit organization founded in 1991, aiming to foster computer science research in Turkey. It is a unit of TUBITAK and located in METU, Ankara.
Founded in 1985, BILTEN provides R&D, prototype developing, technical support, and consultancy services to private and government companies, in the fields of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Information Technologies.
EMO Ankara Subesi, Internet Kullanicisi Elektrik, Elektronik ve Bilgisayar Muhendisleri ile bu sayfalar araciligi ile elektronik olarak bulusmayi amaclamaktadir. EMO duyurularina, urunlerine buradan ulasabileceksiniz.