hide random home http://www.maths.tcd.ie/WebTeam.html (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

A bit of history

The early years...

This all started back in July '93, when at the suggestion of Justin Mason, I set up the original maths department WWW server. Then we used Plexus, the Perl based server by Tony Sanders of BSDI. Colman quickly started proving information, including his hypertext interface to MOOs. Also Simon and his Powerbook (100, then Duo 230, and finally 520... ) came onto the team, contributing graphics galore...

We even had a token physicist way back then, when Ross, after slowing down our machines doing computations on chaotic pendulums finally produced some pretty pictures for us to look at... Also, Zed put up a hypertext version of the Irish Constitution as well as hyperising the departmental prospectus. Various other people supplied pages, including Andrew, and Matt with the Croquet Club page.

Folks, I haven't mentioned you all yet, but I will!!!

Recent developements

The summer of '94 saw me move to CERN for three months, and also saw a new impetus in developements. I set up CERN HTTPD on maths, both as a server, and a caching proxy daemon. We also moved to a bigger partition ( 440 Mb ), which allows much more information to be stored. Simon overhauled the Iona Technologies server, the first one in Ireland, now even bigger, brighter even better than before.

Also, Dr David Wilkins, started putting official departmental information onto the web...

So what next

Well, I've went off to a job hacking for Harlequin, and Sharon Murphy. So it's over to her now.
