So you want to settle your piece of cyberspace, huh? Good. Individuals and community groups should post their perspectives; people without pecuniary purpose lend the net its humanistic edge.
basic steps for putting your business/maga/zine/life/poetry/excuse on the web:find a place to put your site.
get an internet service provider.
or talk to the one you got. Most places will host a small web site as part of your e-mail access fee. make some web pages.
(start locally, on your own computer) learn html.
or use one of them new fangled html editers. I tell you, is so damnd ezy, I cnt see why them kids today gots to be buyin' all them fancee softwarez. It's zenner to wrangle your own HTML - you get your hands on the material, you see the guts of your production, and you will be proud of your ability to master something easier than most alarm clocks! put them on the web.
ftp to your service provider, or your geek buddy.
find a geek buddy.
(it ain't me, baby, it ain't me) someone in your area code who will help you at odd hours of the night figure out how to uplink the 47 prong SRDI cable to your brain chronometeror just how to make your page work. the human element can be the most forward moving force in any enterprise. People learn more in three hours I sit at their side than they do with a pile of books, gads of e-mail, and scads of internet meanderings.
Why the web? in case you're still harbouring any doubts. detract from your human relationships in order to work on your site
(advanced page-making) Web site structure is a critical factor in headache reduction.make the web pay your bills
(or mine) This ain't mass media, this is media by the masses. How we goin' pay for it? Kickin it Freestyle: a Vision for Content Providers in the 21st Century.Make big money on the web! Be an information entrepeneur.
Way of a Web Wanderer - tips for surfing that just might aid your publishing
Other Resources - I can't do everything for yuh.
These pages and all their contents Copyright 1994, 1995, 1996 Justin Hall. All rights reserved. Contact me with any questions you might think of, permissions you might want, or problems you may have.
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