hide random home http://www.javasoft.com/1.0alpha3/doc/appguide/index.html (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

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Overview: Writing and Using HotJava Applets

This document tells you how to create an applet -- a program written in the Java language to run within HotJava -- and include it in an HTML page. HotJava, like Mosaic and Netscape, is a browser for the World Wide Web. Because HotJava can execute applets, it is more flexible than other browsers. Pages with applets can still be read by browsers such as Netscape, since those browsers simply ignore the new tag that specifies the applet.

If you're running HotJava, then this little guy is waving at you at the top of this page. We supply the applet that performs this animation. (We also supply an applet that plays sounds.)
From here, you have several choices of what to see next:
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