(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
The Science, Mathematics, and Engineering
Focus Group
Instructional Technology Program
University of California, Berkeley
Directed by Fred Beshears
Faculty members and graduate students from science, mathematics,
and engineering are invited to participate in the Science, Math, and
Engineering Focus Group (SME). Focus group participants will explore
applications of instructional technology through events organized by
ITP's Graduate Student Council for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering.
ITP's Graduate Student Council helps selected graduate students share
ideas and information about instructional technology and develop skills
for obtaining resources for projects involving instructional technology.
Council representatives are sponsored by a faculty member in their department
and given a stipend by ITP to serve as a liason between the department and
ITP. Council members meet regularly to compare software and other
instructional materials, seek extramural funding, collaborate on projects
that create new approaches to teaching, and help plan site visits,
workshops, demonstrations, and seminars.
Current Projects and Resource Pages
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Engineering
Follow these links to resource pages for
Foreign Language, and
the Courseware Developers and Users Group WWW sites.
For further information about ITP, see our
ITP Homepage
-- this page created by Fred Beshears
The Instructional Technology Program is a unit of IS&T