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Department of Electrical Engineering Linköping University, Department of Electrical Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering

More than sixty undergraduate courses are given annually at the Department of Electrical Engineering. The faculty and staff take pride in maintaining a very high quality in teaching the wide selection of subjects. A measure of how well they succeed can be found in the large number of students selecting department courses. In 1992/93 more than one fourth (122 out of 450) of all engineering graduates at Linköping University majored in Electrical Engineering subjects.

In the academic year 1992/93 a record number of doctor's and licentiate's theses were presented at the department. The total number was 21, as compared to an average of 13 during the preceding four years. 14 new graduate students were admitted. At the end of the year 84 graduate students held salaried positions as teaching assistants at the department. The entire staff numbered 161.

The turnover of the department was 56.5 MSEK. Roughly one third of the income consisted of grants from Swedish research agencies. Major sources were the Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development (NUTEK) and the Swedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences (TFR). Traditionally, the cost of office and laboratory space is not included in the figures given.

Department growth has been limited during the last few years. One reason has been the lack of office and laboratory space. This last year, however, construction work has begun on a new section of offices and laboratories on the west side of the present building. The additional space will be available in October 1993. In connection with this work a number of laboratories have been transformed into computer halls. Some fifty workstations have been purchased for this purpose.

Department research is most easily described by its common denominator signal processing. Major application areas are Image Processing, Telecommunications, and Automatic Control. The following sections will report on progress in the various fields of research. More detailed descriptions are given in the research reports listed at the end of this booklet. These reports are available free of charge.