(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
IPL Papers
Japanese version
Functional Programming
| Constructive Algorithmics
| Implementation of Programming Languages
| Natural Languages
| Kanji Skeleton Fonts
Functional Programming
Kumiko Tanaka, Hideya Iwasaki and
Masato Takeichi.
Abstract description of Algorithms and parallel execution of programs.
9th Conf. Proc. Jpn. Soc. for Software Sci. and Tech.,
Fujisawa, 1992, pp. 1-4 (1992) (Japanese),
kbytes DVI paper.
Tetsuro Tanaka, Hideya Iwasaki and Masato Takeichi.
Parallel execution of functional programs by committed choice.
9th Conf. Proc. Jpn. Soc. for Software Sci. and Tech.,
Fujisawa, 1992, pp. 85-89 (1992) (Japanese),
bytes postscript paper.
Kumiko Tanaka, Hideya Iwasaki and
Masato Takeichi.
Parallel Execution of Relaxation Algorithms by Speculative Evaluation.
Research Meeting on Functional Language of JSSST,
(1992) (Japanese),
bytes postscript paper.
Keiichi Kaneko and Yoshiyuki Onoue and Masato Takeichi.
Sharing Analysis of Functional Programs for Fully Lazy Evaluation.
10th Conf. Proc. Jpn. Soc. for Software Sci. and Tech.,
Tokyo, 1993, pp. 325-328 (1993) (Japanese).
Tetsuro Tanaka.
Parallel execution of functional programs on loosely coupled multiprocessor systems.
10th Conf. Proc. Jpn. Soc. for Software Sci. and Tech.,
Tokyo, 1993, pp. 329-332 (1993) (Japanese),
bytes postscript paper.
Tetsuro Tanaka and Masato Takeichi.
Parallel execution of functional programs on loosely coupled multiprocessor systems.
Proc. of the Second Parallel Computing Workshop,
Kawasaki, P2-C:1-8 (1993) (English),
bytes postscript paper.
Kumiko Tanaka and Masato Takeichi et al.
Designing a system based on ordered sequences.
Research Meeting on Functional Language of JSSST,
Tokyo (1993).
Yoshiyuki Onoue and Keiichi Kaneko and Masato Takeichi.
Effective implementation of sharing analysis for compilers of functional programs using types.
93-SYM-71, pp. 25-32 (1993) (Japanese).
Tetsuro Tanaka and Tomohide Yamamoto and Masato Takeichi.
Evaluation of lazy functional language implementation on loosely coupled multiprocessor.
94-PRG-18, pp. 41-48 (1994) (Japanese),
bytes postscript paper.
Tetsuro Tanaka and Osamu Shimokuni and Masato Takeichi.
Improving efficiency of parallel functional languages on loosely coupled multiprocessor systems.
11th Conf. Proc. Jpn. Soc. for Software Sci. and Tech.,
Osaka, 1994, pp. 297-300 (1994) (Japanese),
bytes postscript paper.
Yuichiro Ishii,
Masato Takeichi.
A Referentially Transparent Reference Type in Functional Languages.
12nd Conf. Proc. Jpn. Soc. for Software Sci. and Tech.,
1995, pp. 257-260 (1995) (Japanese),
bytes postscript paper.
Constructive Algorithmics
Zhenjiang Hu and Masato Takeichi et al.
Catamorphism Based Transformation of Functional Programs.
Technical Report of IEICE,
COMP93-83, SS93-51, pp. 49-56 (1994) (English),
also in IPSJ SIG Notes, 94-PRG-16, pp. 49-56 (1994) (English),
bytes DVI paper.
Liangwei Xu and Masato Takeichi et al.
Deriving Algorithms on Recursive Relation.
94-SYM-73, pp. 17-24 (1994) (English).
Liangwei Xu and Masato Takeichi et al.
Preorder Closures for Nondeterministic Programs.
11th Conf. Proc. Jpn. Soc. for Software Sci. and Tech.,
Osaka, 1994, pp. 417-420 (1994) (English).
Zhenjiang Hu and Masato Takeichi et al.
Promotion Strategies for Parallelizing Tree Algorithms.
11th Conf. Proc. Jpn. Soc. for Software Sci. and Tech.,
Osaka, 1994, pp. 421-424 (1994) (English),
bytes DVI paper.
Liangwei Xu and Masato Takeichi et al.
Derivation of Algorithms by Introduction of Generation Functions.
New Generation Computing 13(1),
pp. 75-98, (1994) (English).
Zhenjiang Hu and Masato Takeichi et al.
Deriving Efficient Functional Programs by Constructing Medio-types.
Proceedings of Workshop on Functional Programming JSSST'94,
pp. 17-32 (1994) (English),
bytes DVI paper.
Implementation of Programming Languages
Mikio Takeuchi, Hideya Iwasaki and Masato Takeichi.
A Distributed Kernel for Symbolic Languages on the Transputer Network.
9th Conf. Proc. Jpn. Soc. for Software Sci. and Tech.,
Fujisawa, 1992, pp. 81-84 (1992) (Japanese),
bytes postscript paper.
Eiiti Wada and Tetsuro Tanaka.
Implementation of UtiLisp/C on AP1000.
Proc. of the Second Parallel Computing Workshop,
Kawasaki, P2-C:1-8 (1993) (English),
bytes postscript paper.
Eiiti Wada and Tetsuro Tanaka.
UtiLisp on AP1000.
94-SYM-73, pp. 8-15 (1994) (Japanese)
Natural Languages
Kumiko Tanaka et al.
Construction of a Japanese-French Dictionary from
Japanese-English and English-French Dictionaries.
Research Meeting on Natural Language of JSSST,
pp. 131-139, Shizuoka (1993).
KANJI(Japanese character) Skeleton Fonts
Tetsuro Tanaka and Yuichiro Ishii et el.
Sharing Skeleton Data by Multiple Kanji Fonts through Programmable Rendering.
Trans. IPSJ,
1, pp. 177-187 (1995) (Japanese),
bytes postscript paper.
Tetsuro Tanaka, Hideya Iwasaki, Kenji Nagahashi and Eiiti Wada.
Making Kanji skeleton fonts through compositing parts.
Trans. IPSJ,
9, pp. 2122-2131 (1995) (Japanese),
bytes postscript paper.