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When Your System Absolutely, Positively Must Work

Our Experience Base is Your Guarantee

For 20 years, Intermetrics has been helping its customers get what they were promised by their system developer: high quality systems developed, tested, and delivered on time and within budget.

Some of the world's most advanced computer systems have been -- or are currently being -- assessed, tested, and verified by our Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) experts.

Our Methods Save You Money and Time

Our approach emphasizes early error detection and correction. The result:

Our Approach is Results Oriented

We employ a proven Criticality Analysis and Risk Assessment (CARA) process to identify and focus on those areas within the system that are most likely to cause problems. Our comprehensive approach includes:

Our IV&V Staff and Methods are Very Adaptable

One of the important attributes of a successful IV&V company is its synergy of experienced people, effective tooling, and non-adversarial methods. At Intermetrics, we understand how to analyze new systems, define IV&V actions to mitigate risks, and work with customers to keep their program under control.

For more information, please contact Steve Copps, Vice President, Business Development at (703) 827-2606.

Return to Intermetrics Last Updated 8/26/95- DAS