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Welcome to the Informix User Group Page

Local Informix User Groups are independent organizations that meet all over the world for a common purpose--to raise awareness, increase understanding, and promote productive use of Informix products and technology.

Your local user group is a great resource for news and information about what's happening in the Informix community in your area. Not only can you meet with other Informix users, but it's an excellent forum to discuss Informix topics. To find the user nearest you, please select the appropriate region below:

In addition to the local Informix User Groups, there is also an International Informix User Group (IIUG). This group's charter is to support and promote local user groups, provide electronic information exchange, and to be a collective voice to discuss issues. The IIUG board of directors consist of local user group leaders and Informix personnel.








Australia, Canberra

Australia,  Canberra Informix User Group


         Mr. Dominic Lancaster                           

         Integrated Systems & Services

	 Information Technology Services Branch

	 Department of Administrative Services

	 470 N. Burn Avenue

         Dickson, ACT.  2602



         Phone: +

         Fax:   +

	 Email: dlancaster@das.gov.au


         Informix Contact: Adam Green                    

         Internet:         adamg@informix.com

         Location:         Canberra, Australia 

	 Phone: +

         Updated:  Mar.1.96
Return to the Listing

Australia, New South Wales


New South Wales Informix User Group    


         Mr. Gavin Nour

	 Select Software Solutions Pty.

         P.O. Box 1661

	 Bondi Junction, New South Wales, 2022



	 Phone: +61.41.980.3113

         Fax:   +

         Schedule:  once every 3 months          

	 Email: nourg@acslink.net.au


         Informix Contact:  Jennifer Stevens

         Internet:          jstevens@informix.com

         Location:          Sydney, Australia            

         Phone:             +61.29.928.1600


         Note: About 30 attendees (2.7.94)

         Updated:  Mar.1.96
Return to the Listing

Australia, Victoria

Victoria Informix User Group            


         Mr. Tony Moore                              

         Laboratory Systems                      

         109 Whitehorse Road        

         Blackburn, Victoria  3130



         Phone: +61.3.98942500       

         Fax:   +61.3.98943338       

         Email:  agm@labsys.com.au


         Informix Contact: Brett Smith                   

         Internet:         bsmith@informix.com

         Location:         Melbourne, Australia 

	 Phone:            +61.39.823.6242

         Updated:  Mar.1.96
Return to the Listing

Australia, Perth

User Group Name: Western Australia Informix Users Group - WA

         Mr. Peter Fillery (Chairman)

         Curtin Business School

         GPO Box U 1987,

	 Perth, WA 6001


         Phone:   +61.9.351.7685

         Fax:     +61.9.351.3076

	 Email:   fillery@BA1.curtin.edu.au

         Informix Contact: Tony King

         Internet:         tking@informix.com

         Location:         Perth, Australia

	 Phone:            +61.9.321.0352

         Updated:  Mar.1.96
Return to the Listing

Hong Kong

Informix User Group Hong Kong           



         Mr. Tony Banham

         Informix Software (HK) Ltd.

         2801 Central Plaza

         18 Harbour Road


               Hong Kong           


         Phone:            852.824.0981

         Fax:              852.824.1863

         Internet:         tbanham@informix.com


         Informix Contact: Tony Banham 

         Internet:         tbanham@informix.com

         Location:         Hong Kong 

	 Phone:            +852.842.0981

         Updated:  Mar.1.96
Return to the Listing


Informix Users Group of the Philippines 

         Mr. Jonash Santa Ana                         

         Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company   

         2/F Pacific Star Building     

         Sen. Gil Puyat Ave./ Makati Ave.

         Makati, Metro Manila 



         Phone: +632.811.5470        

         Fax:   +632.811.4420        


         Informix Contact: Edward Hizon

         Internet:         ehizon@informix.com

         Location:         Singapore   

	 Phone:            +632.634.6792

         Updated:  Mar.1.96
Return to the Listing

Canada, Ontario

National Capital Reg. Informix User Group   


         Mr. Shawn Dagg

         Bradson Corporation                     

         440 Laurier Avenue West       

         Ottawa, Ontario,  K1R 7X6     



         Phone: +613.782.2237

         Fax:   +613.782.2908


         Informix Contact: Bob Trudel

         Internet:         rtrudel@informix.com

         Location:         Ottawa, Ontario              

	 Phone:            +613.728.2927


         Updated:  Mar.1.96
Return to the Listing


IBDK, Informix Brugerklubben I Denmark  

         Mr. Thomas Keller

         Uniware Denmark 

         Bygstubben 12

         DK-2950, Vedbaek



         Phone: +45.42894999

         Fax:   +45.42892818

         Email:  keller@uniware.dk


         Informix Contact: Goran Ohre

         Internet:         gorano@informix.com          

         Location:         Stockholm, Sweden 

	 Phone:            +46.8.792.6480

         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Germany, Munich

Informix Anwender Club IUG e.V-Muenchen


	 Mr. Dernd Langer

	 BBL-Software GmbH

	 Tudorfer Str. 24

	 33178, Borchen-Alfen


         Phone: +49.5251135824

         Fax:   +49.5251135821

         Email:  10042.2455@compuserve.com

	 URL: http://www.iug.com/index.html


         Informix Contact: Svenja Habenschaden

         Internet:         svenja@informix.com

         Location:         Munich                        

	 Phone:            +


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Great Britain

Informix User Group INFUSE              


         Mr. Philip Barnett                          

	 P.B. Associates

	 Kebbel House, Suite A8

	 Carpenders Park

	 Watford, Hertfordshire wdl 5be

                            Great Britain


         Phone: +44 181 421 1227

         Fax:   +44 181 420 1420

	 Email: PBarnett@CIX.Compulink.co.UK

	 URL: http:// www.infuse.co.uk 


         Informix Contact: Barbara Stanley

         Internet:         bstanley@informix.com

         Location:         Bedfont

	 Phone:            +44.1784.422.000


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing


Informix User Group of Italy


         Mr. Ivan Zoratti

	 Aesse Italia

	 Via Abrahan Lincoln


	 Cinisello B., Milano



         Phone: +39.2.66048423

         Fax:   +39.2.66049146

	 Email: 100325.177@compuserver.com


         Informix Contact: Piero Camurati

         Internet:         piero@informix.com

         Location:         Milano

	 Phone:           +39.2.954.501


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

BeNeLux, The Netherlands



         Mr. Joost Steins-Bisschop

         S.P.C Company

         P.O. Box 107

         5201 AC Denn Bosch

                   The Netherlands             


         Phone: +31.736921692

         Fax:   +31.412025225

         Email:  spc@spc.nl


         Informix Contact: Rein Hoogland

         Internet:         reinh@informix.com          

         Location:         The Netherlands

	 Phone:            +

         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Sweden, Scandinavia

Informix User Group In Sweden  (IAS)                 


         Mr. Bjorn Gustavsson

         Klosterdata Utbildning AB

	 Klostergatan 66

	 582 23 Linkoping



         Phone: +46.13.145200

         Fax:   +46.13.147591

	 Email: bjorn@kloster.se


         Informix Contact: Bo Lowstedt

         Internet:         bol@informix.com

         Location:         Sweden

	 Phone:            +46.8.792.6480

         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing


Informix User Group In the Middle East  (IAS)                 


         Ms. Nitasha Kohli


	 P.O. Box 24114




         Phone: +971.6599848

         Fax:   +971.4449139


         Informix Contact: Ms. Nitasha Kohli

         Internet:         Infodsh@emirates.net.ae

         Location:         U.A.E.

	 Phone:            +971.659.9848

         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

West Indies

Informix User Group of Trinidad & Tabago


         Ms. Simone De Sousa

         Process Plant Services, Ltd.

	 Goodrich Bay Road

	 Point Lisas Industrial Estate 

	 Point Lisas, Couva, Trinidad

	                      West Indies


         Phone:            +809.636.2878

         Fax:              +809.679.3770

         Internet:         sds@opus-networx.com


         Informix Contact: 



	 Phone:            +971.659.9848

         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing


South West, Arizona

Arizona User Group                      


         Mr. Bob Baskett                             

         Motorola Inc.                           

         2200 W. Broadway              

         Mesa, Arizona  85202          


         Phone: 1.602.244.4796      

         Fax:   1.602.244.4015      

         Email:  rzbj40@email.sps.mot.com


         Informix Contact: Kevin Bishop

         Internet:         kbishop@informix.com

         Location:         Phoenix

	 Phone:            602.381.2585

         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Pacific South West, California

Southwest Informix Group  (SWIG)                


         Ms. Sandra Gilbert                          


         1256 Cabrillo Ave.

         Suite 250                     

         Torrance, CA  90501


         Phone:             310.320.4300

         Fax:               310.320.3579

         Internet:          dgc@ix.netcom.com


         Informix Contact:   Kittie Smith

         Internet:           ksmith@informix.com                              

         Location:           Los Angeles

	 Phone:              310.479.0510

         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Northern California, California

         INFORMIX User Group of Northern California


         Mr. Fredrico Hubbard 

	 InfoSoft, Inc.

	 10670 N. Tantau Ave.

	 Cupertino, CA  95014


         Phone: 1.408.366.9745

         Phone: 1.408.366.1329

         Email:  fred@infosoft.com


         Informix Contact: 



         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Rocky Mountains, Colorado

Informix User Group of Colorado 


         Cathy Kipp

	 Colorado State University

         1436 Tarryton Drive

         Fort Collins, CO  80525


         Phone: 1-970-226-0240

         Fax:   n/a

         Internet: ckipp@verinet.com


         Informix Contact: Steve Black

         Internet:         sblack@informix.com

         Location:         Denver                       

	 Phone:            303.740.5609

         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Central Florida

Central Florida Informix User Group


         Mr. Kevin Mikalsen

	 Data Code Inc.

         7208   Sand Lake road

	 Suite 202

         Orlando, FL  32819


         Phone: 407.351.3441

         Fax:   407.351.5019

         Internet: datacode@datacode.com


         Informix Contact: 




         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

South, Florida

South Florida Informix Users Group


         Mr. Bruce Hard

         Boca Database Services, Inc.

         P.O. Box 1331

	 Boca Raton, FL. 33429


         Phone: 1-407-750-5238

         FAX:   1-407-994-6572

	 Email: bocadbsi@ugn.net

	 URL: http://www.ugn.com/sfiug1.htm


         Informix Contact: Rich Hoyland                  

         Internet:         richh@informix.com

         Location:         Tampa Bay                     

	 Phone:            305.781.2646

         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

SouthEast, Georgia

Southeast Informix User Group SEIUG 

         Mr. Walt Hultgren

	 Yerkes Research Center of Emory University

         954 Gateway Rd. NE

         Atlanta, GA



         Phone: 404.727.0648

         Fax:   404.727.7845

         Email (Walt): walt@rmy.emory.edu

         WWW URL: http://www.mindspring.com/~bduncan/

         Informix Contact: Dana Strickland

         Internet:         danay@informix.com

         Location:         Atlanta, Georgia 

	 Phone:            404.395.2328

         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Great Lakes, Illinois

         Great Lakes Users Group

         Ms. Maria Lupetin 

	 InfoMaker Inc.

         950 Milwaukee Ave.

         Glenview, IL 60025

         Phone:  708-390-6660 

         Fax:    708-390-6774 

         URL: http://www.madtech.com/iglug

         Informix Contact:   Phil Nelson

         Internet:           pnelson@informix.com

         Location:           Downers Grove

         Phone:              708.769.5512

         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Kansas City, Kansas

Kansas City Informix User Group (KCIUG)

	 Rob Schmitz 

	 Sprint, Inc.

	 5454 W. 110th Street

	 Overland Park, KS  66211

	 Phone: 913.345.6281

	 Fax:   913.345.6656

	 Email:  rob_schmitz@nti-op.ccmail.compuserve.com 

	 WWW URL:  http://www.cstp.umkc.edu/users/ewidjaja/kciug/kciug.html

	 Informix Contact: Kathy Zimbeck

	 Internet:         kathyz@informix.com 

	 Location:         Lenexa

	 Phone:            913.599.8417

         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

New England, Massachusetts

New England User Group                        

	 Mr. Bob O'Connor

	 RBS Group

	 220 Forbes Rd.

	 Suite 205

	 Braintree, MA  02184

	 Phone:     617.848.3927

	 Fax:       617.848.4345

	 Internet:  roc@rbsgroup.com

         Informix Contact: Mary Ann Metta

         Internet:         marya@informix.com

         Location:         New York                      

	 Phone:            617.238.1609

         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Detroit Area, Michigan

Michigan Informix User Group  (MIUG)


         Mr. John Regep

         ZenaComp Inc.                           

         17187 N. Laurel Park Dr.

	 Suite 351                     

         Livonia, MI  48152            


         Phone: 313.464.3700      

         Fax:   313.464.3730      

	 Internet:   jregep@zenacomp.zenacomp.com 

	 URL: http:// www.zenacomp.com/~zenacomp/miug.html 

         Informix Contact:  Ron Richards

         Internet:          rrichard@informix.com

         Location:          Detroit

	 Phone:             810.524.1842

         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Mid-West, Minnesota

MidWest Informix User Group             


         Mr. John Hite

         Pragmateck Consulting Group

         1950 Midwest Plaza

	 801 Nicollet Mall

         Minneapolis, MN  55402


         Phone: 612.333.3164

         Fax:   612.335.3633


         Informix Contact: Mark Wyder

         Internet:         mwyder@informix.com

         Location:         Minneapolis                   

	 Phone:            612.449.6622


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

St. Louis, Missouri

St. Louis Informix Users Group          


         Mr. George Blatt

	 Informix Software, Inc.

	 111 West Port Plaza

	 Suite 600

	 St. Louis, MO  63141

	 Phone: 314.542.3039

	 Fax:   314.542.3111

	 Email: gblatt@informix.com

         Informix Contact:   George Blatt

         Internet:           gblatt@informix.com

         Location:           St. Louis

	 Phone:              314.542.3039


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Omaha, Nebraska

Informix User Group of Nebraska


         Mr. Kevin Graham

         First Data Corp.

         7305 Pacific St.

         Omaha, NE  68114-5430


         Phone: 402.222.3762

         FAX:   402.222.3828


         Informix Contact: Cathy Boomer                  

         Internet:         cathyb@informix.com

         Location:         Lenexa 

	 Phone:            913.599.8402


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

New York City Vicinity, New York

New York User Group

	 Mr. Steve Husiak

         Informix Software, Inc.  

	 757 3rd Ave, 3rd Floor

	 NY, NY  10017

	 Voice: 212.753.3920

	 FAX:   212.753.4210

         Internet:  husiak@informix.com

         Location:  New York City

	 Phone:     212.753.3920


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana

Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana Informix User Group

	 Mr. Frank Catrine

         College View

	 10200 Alliance Rd.

	 Cincinatti, OH  45242

	 Voice:   513.985.6004

	 FAX:     513.891.6222

	 Email:    frank@collegeview.com

         Informix Contact: Kathy Zimbeck                 

         Internet:  kathyz@informix.com

         Location:  Lenxa

	 Phone:     913.599.8402


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Pacific Northwest, Oregon

Northwest Informix Users Group          


         Rick Crecson                            

         Parallel Technology Solutions           

         7165 S.W. Fir Loop   Suite 105

         Portland, Oregon  97223-8055  


         Phone:   503.639.0816

         Fax:     503.639.6836

         Email:   PNIUG@meridiangroup.com


         Informix Contact:  Mike McKennie

         Internet:          mckennie@informix.com 

         Location:          Portland

	 Phone:             503.293.8418


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Mid-Atlantic, PA, NJ, MD, DE, WV

Mid-Atlantic User's Group               


         Mr. Laurence Sigmond                        

         Logical Systems                         

         4833 Morris St 

	 Suite 200

         Philadelphia, PA  19144


         Phone: 215.848.8889

         Fax:   215.843.1271        

         Email:  larry@logsys.com


         Informix Contact: Ed Elisio

         Internet:         elisio@informix.com

         Location:         Philadelphia

	 Phone:            908.302.4569


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Western Pennsylvania

Western Pennsylvania Informix UG


         Mr. Joseph Wynn

         Art Institutes International

         300 Sixth Ave.

	 Suite 800

	 Pittsburg, PA  15222


         Phone:  412.562.0900

         Fax:    412.562.0912

         Email:  wynn@aii.edu


         Informix Contact: Kimberly Peterson

         Internet:         peterson@informix.com

         Location:         Pittsburg

	 Phone:            412.355.2060


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Texas (Austin)

Austin Informix Users Group

         Mrs. Lisa Werner

	 Evolutionary Technologies

 	 13309 Villa Park Drive

	 Austin, TX  78729

         Phone:   512.327.6994

         Email:   lwerner@evtech.com


         Informix Contact: John Bitsche

         Internet:         jbitsche@informix.com

         Location:         Austin

	 Phone:            512.480.8363


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Texas (North)

North Texas Informix Users Group

         Leo Liu


 	 North Texas Informix Users Group

  	 4965 Preston Park Blvd 

	 Suite 600

	 Plano, TX 75093, USA

         Phone: (214) 985-6384

         Fax:   (214) 985-6363

         Email:  leo@pagenet.com


         Informix Contact: Lee Powell

         Internet:         lpowell@informix.com

         Location:         Dallas

	 Phone:            214.444.2619


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Salt Lake City Vicinity, Utah

Utah Informix User's Group              


         Carlton Doe

         DBA Resources, Inc.

         1550 E. Shalisan Circle

         Sandy, UT  84092


         Phone:  801.978.8592

         Fax:    801.974.1556

         Email:  dbaresrc@xmission.com

         WWW URL: http://www.xmission.com/~dbaresrc/uiug_main.html


         Informix Contact: Tony Hoagland

         Internet:         tonyh@informix.com

         Location:         Salt Lake City

	 Phone:            801.350.9000


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Seattle / Puget Sound Area, Washington

Informix User Group of Puget Sound      

         Seattle User Group  


         Mr. John Walters

         ASIX Inc.

	 777 108th Ave., NE

	 Bellevue, WA  98004


	 Phone:  206.635.0709

	 Fax:    206.635.0809

	 Email:  john.walters@asix.com

         Informix Contact: Julene Paulsen

         Internet:         julene@informix.com

         Location:         Seattle

	 Phone:            206.451.9252


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

Washington, D.C. Area

Washington, D.C. Area Informix Users Group              


         Mr. Lester Knutsen

         Advanced DataTools Corp.                

         4216 Evergreen Lane 

	 Suite 136

         Annandale, VA  22003         


         Phone: 703.256.0267        

         Fax:   703.256.2660                      

         Email:   lester@access.digex.net

	 WWW URL: http://www.access.digex.net/~lester/waiug.html


         Informix Contact: Sheryl Dorch

         Internet:         sherryl@informix.com

         Location:         Washington, D.C.

	 Phone:            703.714.0677


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing


Wisconsin Informix User Group              


         Mr. Dave Sabinash

         Informix Software, Inc.

         250 N. Sunnyslope Rd.

	 Suite 300

         Brookfield, WI  53005


         Phone:   414.785.4207

         Fax:     414.785.7995

         Email:   sabinash@informix.com


         Informix Contact: Dave Sabinash

         Internet:         sabinash@informix.com

         Location:         Brookfield

	 Phone:            414.785.4207


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

International - Internet Group

International - Internet Group

Informix Email Discussion List          



         Walt Hultgren                           

         Emory University                        

         954 Gatewood Rd.  NE          

         Atlanta, GA   30329  USA      


         Phone: 404.727.0648        

         Fax:   404.727.7845        

         Email:  informix-list-request@rmy.emory.edu

         BITNET:          informix-list-request@rmy.bitnet        


         Informix Contact: Bill Daul                     

         Internet:         billd@informix.com

         Location:         Menlo Park, CA

	 Phone:            415.926.6488


         Updated:  Mar.1.96

Return to the Listing

International - USENET





         Informix Contact: Bill Daul                     

         Internet:         billd@informix.com 

         Location:         Menlo Park, CA                

	 Phone:            415.926.6488


         Note: NetNews distribution of comp.databases.informix.  
Updated: Mar.1.96 Return to the Listing
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