Last Updated: March 11, 1996
Announcing MISSION TO CUBA: The diary of an historic trip! Read Bobby Kennedy's daily diary from Cuba beginning 2/14, as he and a team of experts investigate the possible danger posed by a Soviet-era nuclear power plant, and other energy and environmental issues.
Alert! Cuba Caravan Harassed and Arrested at the Border On January 31 a caravan organized by IFCO-Pastors for Peace and San Francisco based Project InfoMed were stopped by the US Government from bringing humanitarian aid across San Diego's Otay Mesa border into Mexico. The caravan's cargo of 325 used personal computers destined for Cuban medical facilities was siezed by force by the US Customs.
Mediascope. Promoting constructive depictions of health and social issues in entertainment.
The Okinawa Women's Peace Caravan is traveling the U.S. with a delegation of twelve Okinawan women peace activists and elected officials to discuss the militarization of Okinawa and its impact on indigenous communities, women, and the environment.
The Labor-Community Strategy Center is a multiracial anticorporate "think-tank/act-tank" committed to building democratic internationalist social movements.
Many organizations and individuals are tracking telecommunications legislation and controversies, including the Exon Communications Decency Amendment to the Telecommunications Bill of 1996. We point to a number of them.
The Year of Living Dangerously is over, but Congress' assault on the environment is not. A new report by NRDC analyzes the battles of 1995 and previews the debates of 1996. Read the online summary on NRDC Online. Or get an ASCII version of the full report.
Peace Brigades International
is a unique grassroot organization
exploring and implementing nonviolent approaches to peacemaking
and support for basic human rights.
IGC's directory of Voting and Election Resources. Recently revised and expanded.
The Millenium Institute has published the Global 2000 Revisited report that challenges us to confront the realities of overconsumption, overpopulation and other environmental degradation. Their State of the World Indicators will frighten, but motivate us to action.
If the Millennium Institute's information shook you up, check out EcoNet's Frugal Living Page, which provides information for better, healthier, more satisfying living with less.
International Rivers Network. International Rivers Network (IRN) is the leading organization working to halt the construction of destructive river development projects and to promote sound river management options worldwide.
Country Connections, a publication that presents creative alternatives in the areas of lifestyle, politics, culture, ecology, and ethics.
The Congressional Quarterly provides a link between the local newspaper and Capitol Hill, in an effort to make public opinion the only effective pressure group in the country. This web site includes many excellent resources, including a tool to see how your votes on key issues compare with your members of Congress, their votes, speeches and more.
(Youth Outlook) is a bi-monthly news-journal of youth
culture produced by young people in the San Francisco Bay Area
for Pacific News Service. YO! is a unique model for integrating
writers, journalists and scholars with young people, especially
teenagers in high risk situations. YO!'s purpose is to help
young people develop a public voice and thereby a sense of
connection with the larger society and with each other.
Jinn is Pacific News Service's
biweekly online magazine, written by the most eccentric network
of writers, scholars, reporters and teenagers contributing to the
global media. We produce stories that give you a chicken's
eyeview of the world -- from two feet off the ground, through the
lens of culture rather than of politics.
Strike Page A bi-monthly summary of work stoppages, and potential work stoppages. You can add to the page through an email to the editor.
IUGW Washington Gas Workers Site Find out about one of the ugliest lockouts of this decade! - and how to fight back! Boycott Crestar Bank!
Labor Art and Mural Project "Artists and Workers of the World Unite!"
New Vision for Letter Carriers Site The NALC
NEW VISION is rooted in our union's founding tradition of
democracy, accountability, and solidarity. Find out about letter
carriers' issues, actions, and upcoming elections.
LA Labor News "More Labor News
Than a Month of the L.A. Times." L.A. Labor News is an
on-line newsletter in the Los Angeles area.
Jobs With
Justice/ Machinists Strike Support Page Some 32,000
Machinists are leading a strike against the Boeing Company,
determined to stem the flow of family-wage jobs from our
communities. Find out about the largest strike in the U.S. this
decade, the issues that led up to it, and how you can help the
IAM members win job security and a fair contract.
Overseas Development Network (ODN) ODN is a national,
student-based, non-profit organization. Since
its creation in 1983, it has been a
forum for thousands of young people to address global issues
such as hunger, poverty, and social