hide random home http://www.greenpeace.org/navigate.html (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

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About the new Greenpeace Web Navigator

The gif below (clicking on it won't do anything) shows how the new navigator works:


The Design Team:

Jim SweetTeam Co-ordination, Concept and Web Design and Implementation
Simon ColeyConcept and Original Graphics
Rod MundayGraphics and Web Design
Sjoerd JongensTechnical Assistance, Consultation, Advice and Implementation, System Operator
Jay TownsendConsultation and Advice
Julia Edwards
Duncan Currie
Donna Greenley
Jane Keys
Others from the Greenpeace Internet Project
(Use Hypertext in table above to mail the members of the Design Team)

Mail jim@comms.greenpeace.org with comments, queries and suggestions about the navigator.