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Advertising on the Web

Global On-Line offer a number of opportunities to companies to improve their image and perception on the Internet. Through our consultancy services, we can offer a wide range of business services.

Global On-Line Offer:

The Global On-Line Magazine

Through CityScape's IP-GOLD, the Global On-Line magazine will be the first point of access to the Internet for many thousands of users in the UK, and soon throughout Europe. We can offer companies the ability to offer services and advertising through these pages, either through free services such as the Global On-Line directory, or through custom links, profesionally designed pages and server facilities, such as on-line ordering and information. We are also actively looking for partnerships with other IP-Providers to offer IP-GOLD 'Internet-In-A-Box' solutions.

CityScape can also offer a full range of connectivity services, from single user dial-up Web 'terminals', Internet-in-a-Box solutions, Email and News feeds, and even complete leased line facilities in the UK and Europe through PIPEX

The Consultancy Services

Global On-Line can offer consultancy to companies on how to make the best of their Internet connectivity - whether through the Web, Email lists, Bulletin Boards, private news groups or specially design custom applications.

More Details:

For more details on CityScape and Global On-Line, read the Introduction to CityScape

Consultancy charges: 500 GBP per day, minimum 1 day.

Web Design: 400 GBP per day, varying on type of work undertaken. Minimum 1 day.

Placement of Web Page:

Server Rental: Please phone for quotes on other services and consultancy.

CityScape will offer reduced consultancy charges to Registered Charities, Educational services or other Social, Political or Ecological groups.

Who's accessing this service ?

Links to us from around the world.