The open computing facilities offer a complete range of services to any student of the University of Maryland. GLUE offers multi-platform support that lets users choose a system that best suits their tastes. These labs are student run and are open most of the day. All of these labs are accessible 24 hours a day by students who need such use. Click on the above soda icons to see who's logged in.
Currently these are the facilities for open computing:
These labs are committed to offering convenient service to both undergraduate and graduate students. Students can get a GLUE account by using an online service called register. Register allows students to apply for an account and get verification online. After verification a password is assigned and picked up at a staff office. This system allows new account handling with minimal paperwork and also allows for low level verification through automated methods.
Solarium I (OSL I) was the first open lab consisting of Sun 3 and Vax Station. Origionally this lab was one room with just Sun 3 color and monochrome stations. After Solarium II opened, In 1992, Solarium I was expanded with a new section making use of Vax Stations as X Terminals. In its first incarnation, OSL I's Sun 3's were standalone, but were converted to X Terminals after expansion.
Solarium II (OSL II) was created in 1992 to meet the growing needs of GLUE users. OSL II houses a number of Sun IPX's that allow users access to more computing power. These machines are used for everything from email to high end modelling. The following is a list of OSL II machines open for use to UMCP students with GLUE accounts: