(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
The Fundacao Tropical de Pesquisas e Tecnologia "Andre Tosello"
(FTPT) is a not-for-profit private research organization, founded
in March, 1971. It was awarded the status of Federal Public
Utility Institution in recognition of its valuable services to
the development of science and technology in Brasil.
According to its byelaws, the main objective of the Foundation is
to promote and disseminate scientific and technological knowledge
- carrying out research activities
- acting as a documentation centre
- promoting training activities
The initial endowment was obtained through donations from
researchers of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and of
the Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos (ITAL), and by food
industries in Brasil.
It owns an area of 20,000 sqm where there is an administrative
office, a printing shop, the research laboratories and the
database facilities. It also owns 40 apartments within this area,
which are used by visiting professors and graduate students of
the University. The income from the rent of these
apartments is used to pay off administrative expenses of the
The Foundation has the following activities:
The Foundation does not receive any grants for its maintenance
and upkeep. It depends solely on the income derived from its
activities. Lucrative activities are: project administration for
third parties, industrial services and short courses to industry.
In the case of non lucrative activities, the Foundation applies
for specific grants, such as for research projects, for culture
collection activities, and for training courses for research
institutes. The Foundation also holds a printing shop that
besides printing all material for the training courses and
administrative activities, renders services to third parties.
The Tropical Data Base (Base de Dados Tropical - BDT), is an
information center housed at FTPT. Recognizing the need and
importance of local and regional database developments, BDT has
established an interactive biodiversity/biotechnology information
resource and users network. As major activities, BDT is involved
with the collection, analysis and dissemination of data relevant
to biodiversity and biotechnology, and with the development of
software for data management.
BDT began its work in 1982 with microbial strain data and
information on Brazilian culture collections. Throughout the
years, 3 editions of the National Catalogue of Strains were
published, a national survey on Brazilian culture collections was
carried out, and a successful training programme was established.
All information has been available on-line since 1985. The
importance of this experience is its uniqueness and its success.
It is a case where collection, organization, storage, and
dissemination of data is directly responsible for the
formulation of a national policy for culture collections and for
the organization of a scientific community conscious of the
importance and role of microbial culture collections.
At first restricted to information about microbial culture
collections, BDT has expanded its scope of activities. In 1992,
BDT structured databases on "Brazilian Herbaria" and "Who is Who
in Botany in Brazil". Also in 1992, BDT began collecting
information and setting up a database on "Who is Who in
Biodiversity", on specialists working with Brazilian flora, fauna
and microbiota. This database is being continuously updated and
is being sponsored by the IBAMA (Instituto Brasileiro de Meio
Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renovaveis). In 1993 a new
database on the Brazilian Zoos' Census was structured, and other
initiatives are being carried out.
BDTNet is accessible through:
- Internet: telnet, www.
- PSDN through the Brazilian Telecommunication Network Renpac.
In the case of telnet and PSDN, users must have an account at
BDT. In order to ask for an account (username and password), send
an e-mail to or send a fax to BDT.
In order to access BDT web, point your client to
Discussion Lists
BDT acts as the Secretariat for the Biodiversity Information
Network - Agenda 21 (BIN21) and mediates the discussion lists
intention of these lists is to discuss technical opportunities,
administrative and economic issues, practical limitations and
scientific goals, leading to the establishment of a biodiversity
information network. If you are interested in subscribing to the
lists, send an e-mail to: with the following
sub biodiv-L your-full-name
sub bin-tech your-full-name
Through an agreement with the Microbial Strain Data Network
(MSDN), BDT serves as a host for international databases of interest
to microbiology.
The establishment of an international Leishmaniasis Network was
recommended by participants in a workshop held at FTPT in
Campinas, Brazil in February 1992 under the auspices of PAHO and
the Brazilian Research Council. A small sampling of the
leishmaniasis community indicated that there is a definite
interest in such a network. Further interest in the network was
recently expressed at the Leishmania Monoclonal Antibodies meeting
sponsored by WHO TDR.
In order to participate more actively please subscribe to Leish-
L, a discussion list established for and by the leishmaniasis
community. Send a message to with the following
sub leish-L your-full-name
For further information, please contact Jeffrey Shaw:
Bioline Publications is collaborating with the Tropical Data Base
in Brazil, and working closely with publishers of Journals and
Newsletters, and with authors of papers and reports worldwide who wish
to cooperate in this venture. The collective aim is to make
scientific information available, more easily and at a lower cost
than present.
To access Bioline Publications using web server
All information and instructions for use are available online
from the main menu. Contact Bioline Publications for further
access information:, or Bioline
Publications, Stainfield House, Stainfield, Bourne, Lincs PE10
0RS, UK. Tel:+44 778 570618 Fax:+44 778 570175
CCT contains a diversity of organisms up to the "L2 Containment
Level" of general and applied scientific interest, including
strains recommended and used for:
- Assay of antibiotics, vitamins, and aminoacids
- Disinfection tests
- Sterilization tests
- Quality control (reference strains for identification tests,
- Production of enzymes, antibiotics, and other secondary
- Conversion of organic compounds
- Degradation of environmental pollutants
- Specific biotransformation capabilities
In addition to those strains, the CCT also holds unique
subcollections from tropical habitats, such as rain forests,
water systems, and drylands.
Aside from routine culture collection services such as culture
supply, preservation, safe deposit, patent strain deposit, and
strain data, CCT holds an industrial services laboratory and a
research and development department.
The Industrial Services Laboratory offers specialized services
to other research institutions and industry. Such services
- microbial identification (bacteria, filamentous fungi, yeasts).
- challenge testing
- consultancy
- training
The Research and Development Department aims at isolating unique
cultures from Brazilian ecossystems. It's activities include:
- development of screening methods of microorganisms that produce
compounds of environmental and/or industrial interest
- development of techniques for detecting and monitoring
specific microorganisms of industrial, agricultural or
environmental interest
- develop and improve methods of microbial cultivation, characterization, and
The Research and Development Department also supports the
industrial services laboratory.
Training is a major activity of FTPT. Since 1986, FTPT has
established a training program of specific interest to microbial
systematics, culture collection, bioinformatics and industrial
Both BDT and CCT have offered short-term training through
workshops and short courses focussing on specialized subjects.
Instructors have been selected among recognized international and
national specialists, and this has lead to collaborative research
programs between CCT and other laboratories.
For more information, please send a message to
Or write to:
- Base de Dados Tropical
- Fundacao Tropical de Pesquisas e Tecnologia "Andre Tosello"
- Rua Latino Coelho, 1301
- 13087-010 Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Phone: +55 192 42-7022
- Fax : +55 192 42-7827