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Welcome to the NTIS Preview Database

The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce. NTIS is the largest single source for public access to Federally produced scientific, technical, engineering, and business-related information. NTIS receives information in many formats, including full text documents, computer products, videotapes, and tape citations. More than 200 government sources, foreign and domestic, including the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, National Institutes of Standards and Technology, Public Health Service and other Government agencies, contractors, foreign governments and private companies contribute to the collection.

These sources send roughly 7,000 new documents and products to NTIS each month. The NTIS Preview Database is a current database of bibliographic citations (abstracts) for all of the information products that have sent to NTIS within the previous 30 days that NTIS is able to make available for sale to the public. For more specific information on the database, please review the description document. You can also review ordering information.

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