(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Russian text
Institute for Commercial Engineering
Joint-stock `Institute of Commercial Engineering' is
private scientific research institution, directed at scientific
elaborations and engineer developments in the sphere of reduction of
transaction costs. It was founded in August, 1991.
ICE participated
in many projects directly associated with formation of market
economy in Russia. The most prominent projects are:
- realization of numerous works in management consulting,
organizations of market infrastructures, firm style and public
relations for governmental and business customers;
- participation in the development of Russian law "On Securities
market (conducting seminars, discussions, papers, media publications,
disseminating data on the prepartion of the law by Internet, working
in Joint Expert Group on securities market laws of State Duma and
Goverment of Russian Federation);
- privatization concept development applied in Nakhodka, Primorski
Krai ('privatization conveyor' methods), that included consulting the
creation of first Russian share ownership registry regional infrastructure;
the help to organize depository infrastructure in Nakhodka, Rostov-on-Don,
- "InfoMarket" network
information project, which for the first time in Russia provided
on-line data on Russian securities market through Internet using
WWW technology. Currently the Infomarket data is provided by the Institute
itself, Russian Ministry of Finance and Central Bank,
News Agency, Finmarket
Consulting Agency,
Pacific Data
brokerage house,
Investment Company,
Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange, Reinsurance company
Nakhodka Re;
- elaboration and subsequent development of `RINACO securities
technologies'. Marketing of this technologies is proceeded on
behalf of joint-stock company `Depositarium RINACO' (f.e.
technological set of share registries and depositories of
securities DepoMir2; currently DepoMir2 technology is used
by more than 50 regional depository centres);
- Moscow and Rostov-on-Don Libertariums--
non-commercial project to provide
information support for social activities and scientific research
on classical liberalism ("libertarianism") and liberal conscience
by means of world-wide Internet network. In the framework of this
project the relevant seminars were hold in State Duma of Russian Federation,
telefilms were prepared and broadcasted; the materials on liberal
topic by Russian authors were also collected and edited.
- publication of scientific periodicals
and methods" (three issues currently published)
- conducting of numerous Russian and international seminars
and conferences concerning themes of Institute's elaborations
(from 25 to 250 participants).
Among the customers of ICE there were Price Waterhouse, KPMG
Peat Marvic, Deloitte and Tusche, Mayority of Zhukovsky,
Administrative Committee of Free Economic Zone `Nakhodka',
Russian commodity and primary exchange, Baikal exchange,
Congress of Stock-Exchanges, RINACO,
RELCOM, NizhnevartovskASUoil, ENERGY
joint-stock company, etc.
Institute is one of the founders of RINACO, VKT TV-company,
'FinancEast' joint-stock company, joint-stock commercial bank
`Pochta-bank', ENERGY joint-stock company, 'Don financial joint-stock
company', joint-stock company
and a number of other companies representing new Russian
economic structure.
The Director of the Institute for Commercial Engineering
Anatoly Levenchuk has a lot of working experience with infrastructure
of securities market, modern information technologies, management consulting.
He is member of Joint Expert Group on securities market laws of State
Duma and Goverment of Russian Federation; member of Board of Directors
of the following companies: RINACO PLUS investment company, RELCOM,
'FinancEast' joint-stock company, joint-stock commercial bank
`Pochta-bank', ENERGY joint-stock company, 'Don financial joint-stock
company'; co-chairman of "Depository RINACO" Board of Directors.
Institute is equipped with modern technics: it has domain in
EUnet/RELCOM (*.ice.*.su), desktop multimedia publishing, 10 computers
(386/486/Notebooks), videocamera S-VHS. Moscow office is operating (jointly
with "FinancEast" company) LAN connected to Internet backbone.
Institute is registered in Zhukovsky, Moscow region; central
office is located in Moscow (Moscow General Post-Office, floor 3);
ICE has branches in Zhukovsky, Rostov-on-the-Don and Nakhodka,
Primorsky Krai.
tel/fax (+7 095) 262-93-67, (+7 095) 262-33-02
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