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General Information
About EMBL

The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) was established in 1974 and is supported by 14 European countries and Israel. EMBL consists of a main Laboratory in Heidelberg (Germany) and three Outstations in Hamburg (Germany), Grenoble (France) and Hinxton (Great Britain). As an institute with excellent facilities, EMBL prides itself on its intellectually open and challenging atmosphere, which encourages innovation and collaboration. The science performed here is first rate. Yet, in the long-term, the scientific networks created by the scientists who pass through EMBL play an equally more important role in the development of our international scientific environment, by transmitting EMBL's techniques and philosophy throughout its Member States.

The current research activities of the main Laboratory are carried out in four main Research Programmes, each consisting of several independent groups focussing on a specific area of molecular and cell biology. Two Instrumentation Programmes develop equipment, technology and techniques for these fields. Through its Outstations in Hamburg and Grenoble, EMBL provides European scientists with access to highly intensive X-rays and neutron radiation for structural studies. The Hinxton Oustation specialises in research and service in the field of bioinformatics.

EMBL is also a teaching and training centre for the new generation of molecular biologists. It trains young group leaders, pre and postdoctoral fellows for positions in sponsoring Member States; each year it organises courses, symposia and workshops on current aspects of molecular biology; and its visiting scientist programmes provide exposure to important new methodology and technology rarely amassed at one site.

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Author: David States
Last Updated: Tuesday, 4 July 1995