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Daimler-Benz WWW Questionnaire

Our WWW site is young and still growing. So we are looking for feedback to help the process along. Tell us what you like about the Daimler-Benz Info-Service, what you think is missing and what annoys you, if anything. To make it easier for you we've prepared the following questionnaire with what we think are the most important topics - all you have to do is go through it clicking in answer boxes. All replies will be treated confidentially. Names and addresses will not be passed on and all answers will be evaluated strictly anonymously.

What do you think of our WWW site?

What do you think of the design?

What do you think of the content?

Which sections do you particularly like?

How do you find the download times?

Did you have problems with the display of ...?

Did you have any other problems?

Do you intend to visit our server again?

How did you find out about our server?

On which computer platform do you normally work?

Which WWW browser do you prefer to use?

We would be grateful if you could supply us with a few personal details:

Where do you live?

What is your level of education?

What is your profession?

How old are you?

Are you ...?

Space for suggestions, comments, etc.

© 1995 Daimler-Benz