As shrink-wrapped software product prices continue to drop, companies have to rethink their assumptions. Most are realizing that it has become economically infeasible for product companies to offer free service and support.
This trend is evident even at the desktop level, where companies such as Borland, Microsoft and Word Perfect are unbundling support services to provide customers with low-cost software products and alternative support options. They are all targeting support services as a new growth opportunity. Many new companies have emerged in the last three years for the sole purpose of providing technical support services, and many well known companies such as Arthur Anderson, Microsoft, and Oracle have created divisions for this purpose. Whether offering support as a product or offering software as a service, these vendors have found a way to turn off-the-shelf, generalized products into tailor-made solutions.
In adjusting to the service approach, the industry is acknowledging that users are not only interested in buying bits on a disk (software), but solutions (part of which may be bit-based). This shift, from the software-as-product model to the software-as-service model, will have a dramatic impact on how software is delivered, supported, and on how it evolves to meet users' needs.
In the product model, software vendors rely on licenses to control the price of each unit sold. Extensive technical support for software is limited because the core of the product, the source code, remains restricted. New product development is stymied because developers must anticipate the needs of their customers based on limited input. In the service model, support vendors must deliver value to their customers based on what they can add to the software, not what they can take away. To this end, the software needs constant, on-going support because it is through the continual improvement of software that value is truly distinguished.
Although proprietary software is an attractive business, there are several issues that are problematic for users. Most importantly, proprietary software makes it virtually impossible for users to participate directly in its development. Instead, user demands must be filtered through the marketing channel, approved by the business managers and then possibly implemented by the engineering department. Simple problems may take years to address.
The usual publishing model is based on the premise that duplication and distribution is far more expensive than authorship, yet in the case of software -- which can be duplicated at almost no cost and distributed worldwide via networks for nominal cost -- the reverse is true. The falling prices of shrink-wrapped software and the increased demand for high-quality technical support are spearheading the need for the market to resolve these inconsistencies.
Hardware technology improvements have produced an ever-improving performance at ever-decreasing cost. This trend reduces the risk of hardware purchases; combining this with open-systems interoperability, users can build globally optimal solutions from locally optimal pieces. On the software side, the situation is far from optimal: few packages interoperate with products from the same vendor, let alone other vendors. Because of this, each software purchase must be carefully considered and maintained, lest it become a threat to the existing infrastructure.
Users are now demanding the same improvements and security in software that they've seen in hardware: products whose prices reflect real costs, and which operate reliably with each other. These gains cannot be achieved while proprietary models divide rather than coordinate the players. Ultimately, the users will get their freedom of choice, and the survivors will be the vendors who can both offer and deliver what the users want.
Sourceware is supported, centrally managed software whose source code is openly available. This lowers the cost barriers of product development, which keeps the source code robust and dynamic. Sourceware accelerates the evolution cycle--those who want to make improvements are free to do so and all users benefit from the contributions of others. Sourceware embodies all of the benefits of powerful, adaptable, reliable software and increases the speed of revisions. Therefore, Sourceware solves the economic problems of developing commercial software.
Sourceware is licensed to give users the freedom to use, distribute and modify the sources. It also provides a framework which defines baseline standards, reference implementations and a process for ongoing maintenance and enhancements that meet the needs for the commercial market. Sourceware is a very general solution that delivers the benefits associated with open systems without unnecessary overhead or expense.
One example of this approach is the X Window System. X is the de facto standard for multi-platform windowing systems. Created and regularly improved by a team at MIT, the X Window System plays a profound role in the UNIX marketplace. Even Sun Microsystems has agreed to discontinue development of its NeWS environment in favor of the standard X release. The X Window System is distributed for free. Users are encouraged to modify and adapt the software to meet their specific needs. Currently in release 6, the system vendor community and many end users have ported the code to virtually every processor and operating system platform, including Sun, HP, IBM, DEC and SGI. These companies have joined together to support the COSE desktop environment standard based on X. DOS, Windows, and Mac users have a wide variety of X server implementations available, providing freedom to access data and applications in the truest spirit of Open Systems.
Another example (which Cygnus supports as Sourceware) is
software. GNU
is the de facto standard
for cross-platform and multi-platform C and C++ compilers and
debuggers. Within developer and university communities, the
tools are accepted as a powerful alternative to
proprietary ones. Although the GNU
tools support many
platforms today, because they are Sourceware, they can also be rehosted
or retargeted as new platforms emerge, thereby safeguarding commercial
customers' investments in development across multiple platforms. As
Sourceware, it is possible for customers to choose where to allocate
resources, outsourcing development and support when necessary. Even
traditional software companies find value for their customers in the
Sourceware solution. Novell recently announced its intention to
provide its NetWare developers with GNU
development tools
for NetWare based on UNIX. The tools make it possible for NetWare
developers to deliver network services that are independent of hardware
platforms and take advantage of the UNIX environment for development.
Using these Sourceware tools, developers will increase their
productivity by focusing on one development effort rather than on
multiple platform issues. This strategy will open the architecture of
the network, accelerating network application development and enabling
true cross-platform development for the first time.
Sourceware finally delivers on the promise of open systems, hailed for years as the solution to the industry's problems. The Sourceware model allows customers to separate standards from vendors because it is a global solution. Because source code is readily available, anyone can make improvements to the software for their own purposes. Sourceware is a completely open solution without allegiance to any proprietary system. It preserves customers' investments in technology and allows support to become an integral part of software implementation.
Sourceware is the next logical step in the evolution of open systems: it preserves customers' investments in technology and allows support to become an integral part of software implementation. Ultimately, Sourceware will allow users to spend their development and support dollars more efficiently, advancing their competitive position. At the same time, the service model will create economic opportunities for software companies that adapt to the new market conditions.
[Sourceware is a registered trademark of Cygnus Support.]