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the Anarchy List

Anarchy List

Stop Execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal

Mumia Abu-Jamal is a black political activist who is on death row in Pensylvania, USA. A re-opening of his trial is currently campaigned for, but by no means certain. There are several sites with more information, Solidaritygroup Political Prisoners have a very broad selection of information on the Mumia Abu-Jamal case (also available in a text-only version, better if you don't have netscape or are on a slow link).

Please take a few minutes to read the information. If you agree something should be attempted to stop Mumia's execution, why not start by putting small references to information in your email signature or your WWW home page. More information about the Mumia signature campaign can be found at a special page on it, again maintained by SPG.

Remember: either we act now or it is too late!

The anarchy-list

The anarchy-list is a mailing list meant for discussing issues related to anarchism.

To get a feel for what the list is about you can look at the introduction posting.

There is an archive, but it is still under construction. No searches on keywords yet, only browsing.

To subscribe you can send mail to <anarchy-list-request@cwi.nl>. Please state in your message that you want to be subscribed to the anarchy-list, I get heaps and heaps of mail on wildly different subjects, so an empty message will probably not result in me understanding what you want:-)

(NOTE: if you use your web-browser to send the message: make sure the address information is correct. I get various messages with 'From: Your Name Here <user@machine.dom.ain>', that I can do nothing with...)

Other anarchist resources

If the anarchy-list does not seem to be what you are looking for you might have a look at the Spunk anarchist contact list, which lists other anarchy-related mailing lists and newsgroups.

Spunk, incidentally, is an anarchist electronic publishing effort. They currently have some 1000 documents on-line, varying from 1-page flyers to complete books. See the Spunk home page if you want to know more about them.

Jack Jansen, 17-Jul-1995.