Title: TCP/IP Network Administration
Authors: Craig Hunt
Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates
Comments: Fairly introductory text, good for getting DNS up and running, slip/ppp, routing, etc.
Rating: ****
Title: Unix Power Tools
Authors: Peek/O'Reilly/Loukides
Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates
Comments: Excellent intermediate text on general unix type things
i.e., job control, piping, shell scripts. Has someting about everything.
Rating: *****
Title: The Cuckoo's egg
Author: Cliff Stoll
ISBN: foo
Rating: 3
Title:Essential system administration
Author: alleen
Publisher: O&A
Rating: 1
Title: The C Programming Language (second Edition)
Author: K&R
Comments: I believe we should have a copy of K&R (As well as some other
ones of real use. Possible Soustroup's C++ book etc..) ANCHORED
securely in the lounge, for general use. If so, get hardcover
if at all possible.
Rating: ****
Title: Advanced Programming In The Unix Environment
Author: Stevens
Comments: This is what most people who consider themselves knowledgable in
UNIX have read. Very good book that tells you about the details of
UNIX. If you think you knew everything there's to know about UNIX,
this book will prove you wrong.
Rating: *****
Title: Unix Network Programming
Author: W. Richard Stevens
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-949876-1
Comments: An introduction to Unix IPC, networking concepts, BSD sockets,
SYSV TLI, ICMP and a tid bit of RPC. The O'Reilly RPC book covers
SUN-RPC in more depth. A good way to get wet programming with sockets.
Examples include a chapter on how rlogin/rshd, tftp/tftpd and
ping work. Anyone who already works with sockets might like this
as a reference book but I'm sure there are more advanced books out
there. Some short exercises at the end of each chapter.
Rating: ****
Title: Moving From C to C++
Author: Greg Perry
Publisher: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30080-X
Rating: 5
Comments: Great book for C programmers who want to learn C++... it doesn't
over or underexplain... it's the fastest way to learn lots of C++
in half an hour. Highly recommended.
Title: Thinking in C++
Author: Bruce Eckel
Publisher: ?
Rating: 5
Comments: Takes you feature by feature from C to C++. A great book for novices and
experienced C programmers alike.
Title: Thinking in C++
Author: Bruce Eckel
Publisher: ?
Rating: 5
Comments: Takes you feature by feature from C to C++. A great book for novices and
experienced C programmers alike.
Title: C: Step-by-Step
Author: Waite & Prata
Publisher: SAMS
ISBN: 0-672-22651-0
Rating: 2
Title: X and Motif Quick Reference
Author: Randi J. Rost
Publisher: Digital Press
ISBN: 1-55558-052-3 and 0-13-972209-2
Rating: 2
Comments: a reasonable book that covers most of the topics of the Xlib Xtlib Motif,
and non-widget objects, mostly through example code and printed C header
The book largest failure is it's complete lack of an index making it
almost impossible to use unless you happened to have memorized what
object is defined in what library in which case you most likely have
also memorized there definitions also (thus you have no use for this
Also, for your convenience the last section contains printed examples of
most of the fonts and cursors thus bring the book up to a total of 369
Title: Object Oriented Programming with C++ & OSF/Motif
Author: Douglas A. Young
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-630252-1
Rating: 5
Comments: A very good book on the integration of C++ and Motif and the corresponding
object oriented programming problems that arise with Motif.
Title: Common LISPcraft
Author: Wilensky
Comments: Great book for getting started with Lisp. Talks about every
aspect of common lisp (from the basics to using packages). Does
not cover CLOS, however (see CLTL2 for that).
Rating: ****
Title: Paradigms of artificial intelligence programming : case studies in common LISP
Author: Norvig, Peter.
Comments: This is the best book on how to use LISP. It illustrates actual LISP programming techniques on real-life examples, not toy programs.
Rating: *****
Author: Wall & Schwartz
Title: Programming Perl
Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates
Comments: Must have reference for perl programmers. Not very well organized though.
Rating: ***
Also note that this doesn't cover Perl 5. If you want a beginner's book on Perl get the O'Reilly Nutshell book with the Llama, not the Dromedary, on the cover. One annoying thing is that all the 'little hidden facts' about perl are buried in random paragraphs. If you get a chance, you should read the HTML docs for Perl 5. This is definately a reference book, but the author writes in prose -- with many asides.-- jules
Title: ML for the working programmer
Author: Paulson, Laurence C.
Comments: Excellent guide to the ML language.
Rating: *****
Title: The Design and Implementation of the 4.3 BSD UNIX O/S
Author: Leffler/McKusic/Karels
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Comments: John S. Quarterman is also an author
ISBN: 0-302-0696-2
Comments: Great info about how BSD works, on a technical level
somewhere between the source and the man pages. A really
excellent overview of scheduling, networking, file systems,
boot process, etc. A must read for any wizard wanna-be.
Rating: *****
Title: Numerical Recipies in C
Author: Press, Vetterling, Teukolsky, and Flannery
Publisher: Cambridge University Perss
ISBN: 0-521-43108-5
Rating: 5
Comments: I'm surprised this wasn't already here... this book contains a wide
range of common algorithms, and presents them succinctly along with C
code (admittedly directly ported from Fortran). Covers fast matrix
operations, splines, FFTs, root finding, and much more. This belongs
on every programmer's bookshelf.
Title: Understanding Japanese Information Processing
Author: Ken Lunde
Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
ISBN: 1-56592-043-0
Rating: 5
Comments: Yet another technical bible from O'Reilly.
This book covers more than you ever wanted to know about writing
Japanese software. This is the best book on the subject.
I've worked with Japanese software engineers and they were
deeply impressed with this book. A Japanese version is published
by Softbank.
Title: How To Publish On the Internet
Author: Andrew Fry and David Paul
Publisher: Warner books
ISBN: 0-446-67179-7
Rating: 4