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Master of Science

Master of Science

The department offers two programs leading to an M.S. One program leads to an M.S. in electrical engineering, the other to an M.S. in computer science. In both cases, the M.S. degree requires ten credits, usually one credit per course, and all courses must be at the 100 level or above. At least eight credits must be from approved courses. The two remaining credits usually are a creative thesis work, which is written and defended orally and performed under the supervision of a faculty member. Alternatively, these two credits can be a supervised project plus another approved course.

For M.S. students in electrical engineering and computer engineering, at least four of the ten credits must come from courses in electrical and computer engineering.

The electro-optics program, which is run by the Electro-Optics Technology Center (EOTC), is a special track within the M.S. program in electrical engineering. Courses taken by M.S. students in electro-optics must include Electrical Engineering 109, plus four of the five laboratory courses that comprise the EOTC Laboratory Program (Electrical Engineering 151, 152, 153, 154, and 155). Each of these laboratory courses counts as one-and-one-half credits.

For M.S. students in computer science, at least four of the ten credits must come from courses in computer science, and at least two of the ten credits must include a serious programming component. Students must also demonstrate competency in the material covered in Math 22 and Computer Science 40, 80, 160 and 170. The last two courses, 160 and 170, can be taken as part of the M.S. program.

Note that the requirements for an M.S. in Computer Science have changed. The new requirements apply to computer science students who begin the M.S. program in the Fall of 1996. Current students may choose to operate under either the new or the old requirements.


Director: Paul L. Kelley

The electro-optics option is a component of the Electro-Optics Technology Center ( EOTC ). In addition to meeting the general requirements stated above, all students must take Electrical Engineering 109, Optical Electronics, plus four of the five laboratory courses (Electrical Engineering 151, 152, 153, 154, and 155) which comprise the EOTC Laboratory Program. Because each laboratory course is counted as one-and-one-half course equivalents, the remaining three course requirements can be met by a thesis or a special project of directed study with a written report. Part of the directed study may require other graduate courses.

Tufts Electrical Engineering and Computer Science --- webmaster@cs.tufts.edu