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Electrical Engineering Courses

Electrical Engineering Courses

Undergraduate Courses

11 Introduction to Analog Electronics

Prerequisite: Engineering Science 3. Fall.

Instructor: Fermental

12 Intermediate Electronics

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 11 and Mathematics 38 or 48. Fall.

Instructor: Fermental

13 Circuits Theory

Prerequisites: Engineering Science 3 and Mathematics 38. Spring.

Instructor: Gonsalves

14 Microprocessors

Prerequisites: Engineering Science 4, some programming experience. Spring.

Instructor: Members of the department

15 Electric Machinery

Prerequisite: Engineering Science 3. Spring.

Instructor: Maskalenko

18 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

Prerequisites: Mathematics 38, Electrical Engineering 13. Spring.

Instructor: Preis

21 Power Systems

Prerequisite: Engineering Science 3. Fall.

Instructor: Maskalenko

26 Digital Logic Systems

Prerequisites: Engineering Science 4 and Electrical Engineering 14, or consent. Fall.

Instructor: Members of the department

50 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering

91, 92 Seminar

Prerequisite: consent.

Instructor: Members of the department

93, 94 Special Topics

Prerequisite: consent.

Instructor: Members of the department

95, 96 Special Projects

Prerequisite: consent. Credit as arranged.

Instructor: Members of the department

97 Design Project

Prerequisite: senior standing or consent.

Instructor: Members of the department

Courses for Undergraduate and Graduate Students

100 Design of Medical Instrumentation

Rerequisites: Electrical Engineering 11 and 14. Spring.

Instructor: Members of the department

101 Introduction to Medical Optics and Lasers

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 109 or consent.

102 Linear Systems

Prerequisite: Mathematics 38 or consent. Spring.

Instructor: Members of the department

103 Introduction to VLSI Design

Prerequisite: senior standing or consent. Fall.

Instructor: Members of the department

104 VLSI Systems

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 103. Spring.

Instructor: Lewis

105 Feedback-Control Systems

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 13. Fall.

Instructor: Fermental

106 Advanced Feedback-Control Systems

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 105. Spring.

Instructor: Paradis

107 Communication Systems I

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 13. Fall.

Instructor: Noonan

108 Communication Systems II

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 18 and 107. Spring.

Instructor: Noonan

109 Optical Electronics

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 18.

Instructor: Goldner

110 Introduction to Fourier Optics

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 18 or equivalent.

Instructor: Gonsalves and visiting professors

111 Selected Topics in Applied Optics

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 109 or consent.

Instructor: Visiting professor and/or members of the department

113 Semiconductor Devices

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 11 and Mathematics 38, or Physics 13 and 42. Fall.

Instructor: Lewis

114 Guided Wave Optics

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 109 or consent.

Instructor: Mansfield

116 Applied Quantum Electronics

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 109. Fall.

Instructor: Cronin-Golomb

117 Introduction to Microwaves

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 18, or 13 and consent. Fall.

Instructor: Uhlir

118 Microwave Semiconductor Devices and Circuits

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 117 or consent. Spring.

Instructor: Uhlir

119 Systems Design

( Cross-listed as Mechanical Engineering 119. )Prerequisite: junior standing.

Instructor: Vo

121 Advanced Power Systems

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 21. Spring.

Instructor: Maskalenko

122 Microelectronics Fabrication Processes

Prerequisites; Chemistry 1 and Electrical Engineering 11, or Chemical Engineering 194B, or consent.

Instructor: Members of the department

123 Custom VLSI Design

Prerequisites: Engineering Science 4, Electrical Engineering 11 and 18. Instructor: Lewis

124 Advanced Custom VLSI Design

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 123 (Electrical Engineering 113 helpful ) or consent. Spring.

Instructor: Lewis

126 Computer Engineering

( Cross-listed as Computer Science 146. )Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 14 or Computer Science 40. Spring.

Instructor: Chang

127 Lasers and Laser Systems

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 109 orconsent. Fall.

Instructor: Cronin-Golomb and visiting professors

128 Operating Systems

( Cross-listed as Computer Science 28. ) Prerequisite: Computer Science. Fall.

Instructor: Members of the department

129 Computer Communication Networks

Prerequisite: senior or graduate electrical engineering degree candidate, or consent.

Instructor: Members of the department

133 Digital Image Processing

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 107 or consent. Spring.

Instructor: Gonsalves

135 Advanced Electromagnetics

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 18 or equivalent. Fall.

Instructor: Preis

136 Antennas for Radar, Avionics, and Communications

Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing in electrical engineering or physics. Spring

Instructor: Members of the department

137 Radar Engineering

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 19 or equivalent. Fall.

Instructor: Members of the department

139 Introduction to Nonlinear Optics

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 116. Fall.

Instructor: Cronin-Golomb

140 Hybrid Microelectronics

Prerequisites: Chemistry 1 and Electrical Engineering 11. Spring.

Instructor: Members of the department

151 Thin Films Laboratory

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 109 or consent.

Instructor: Goldner and visiting professors

152 Crystalline Materials Laboratory

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 109 or consent.

Instructor: Jirmanus and visiting professors

153 Lasers and Other Sources Laboratory

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 109 or consent.

Instructor: Cronin-Golomb and visiting professors

154 Fourier Optics and Image Processing Laboratory

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 109 and 110, or consent. Fall.

Instructor: Gonsalves and visiting professors

155 Fiber Optics Laboratory

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 109 or consent.

Instructor: Visiting professors

160 Computer-Aided Design of Microwave Circuits

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 117.

Instructor: Afsar

161 Microwave Integrated Circuits

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 160. Fall.

Instructor: Afsar

191, 192 Electrical Engineering Seminar

Prerequisite: open only to advanced students by consent.

Instructor: Members of the department

193, 194 Special Topics

Prerequisite: consent. Credit as arranged.

Instructor: Members of the department

199 Internship in Electrical Engineering

Prerequisite: consent.

Instructor: Members of the department

202 Digital Systems Design for Testability

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 26.

Instructor Members of the department

205 Engineering Applications of Error-Correcting Codes

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 108 or consent.

Instructor Members of the department

206 Optimal Control

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 106 or consent. Fall.

Instructor Paradis

215 Computer Architecture

Prerequisites: Computer Science 11 and Electrical Engineering 26. Fall.

Instructor Chang

216 Advanced Topics in Computer Architecture

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 215. Spring.

Instructor Chang

217 Design Automation VLSI

Prerequisites: graduate standing and a knowledge of C, or consent. Spring.

Instructor: Members of the department

227 Information Theory

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 108 or consent. Fall.

Instructor: Noonan

229 Detection and Estimation Theory

Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 108 or equivalent.

Instructor: Noonan

291, 292 Graduate Seminar

Credited as arranged. Instructor Members of the department

293, 294 Special Topics

Credit as arranged.

Instructor: Members of the department

295, 296 Thesis

Instructor: Members of the department

297, 298 Graduate Research

Credit as arranged.

Instructor: Members of the department

401PT Master's Continuation, Part-time

402FT Master's Continuation, Full-time

501PT Doctoral Continuation, Part-time

502FT Doctoral Continuation, Full-time

Tufts Electrical Engineering and Computer Science