(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Egypt - Jordan Trip Report
Copyright Pierre Flener, December 1992
This is a report of a trip to Egypt and Jordan, undertaken during
May 1992 by myself (from Luxembourg) and my best friend, Marc
(from Belgium).
I have compiled this from my travel notes, often omitting ir-
relevant stuff such as where we ate or slept, who was sick with
what, how we organized the getting away from each place, and so
on, but adding some afterthoughts and hindsight.
This journey was totally improvised, reservations--except for
flights--being a concept totally alien to us. Of course we did
some homework beforehand, so as to know the must- sees. Valuable
information sources were The Rough Guide on Egypt (UK, sold as
Real Guide in North-America; solid value), the Lonely Planet -
Travel Survival Kit for Jordan and Syria (Australia; a great
classic, although the 1987 edition is aging badly; we met the guy
working on the update, so stay tuned), and Le Guide du Routard -
Egypte, Jordanie, Israel, et Yemen (France; so-so). Descriptions
are kept informative enough so that those who have been there
should recognize the places, while those who'd like to go there
should be able to locate them. This report is not intended to be
a crash course on Ancient Egyptian or Middle Eastern history.
This journey was a shoestring-budget trip, a mattress to crash on
and a shower being all that is needed when constantly on the
move. Round-trip flights, visas, inoculations, medicine, and
souvenirs excluded, we had a daily maintenance ratio of about $12
each, covering accommodation, food, drinks, transportation, and
(student) entrance fees. This has to be relativized though, as
Jordan is significantly more expensive--about 30%--than Egypt.
All views expressed here are mine, and you are the judge whether
they are witty insights, total misunderstandings, or unspeakable
truths. Comments are welcome. Enjoy,
Pierre Flener
47, rue de Roeser
L-5865 Alzingen
Key to Abbreviations
$ US$
LE Egyptian Pound (in May: worth about $0.3)
JD Jordanian Dinar (in May: worth about $1.5)
Once in Aqaba Port, we are among the first ones to be whisked off
the ship. We retrieve our backpacks, and head for the immigration
office, in order to get our passports. Marc's and my visa cost
only 2JD each, a tremendous bargain over the 16JD the Jordanian
Embassy in Brussels wanted to charge us. The visa for US-citizens
is free (because of US-aid? or because Queen Noor is US-ian? or
both?), the Kiwi and Canadian pay 3JD, while the poor Brit has to
pay 10JD (a revenge for the Sykes-Picot Agreement?). At customs,
nobody bothers again to look at our luggage. Exchanging
traveler's cheques is pretty steep in Jordanian banks: the com-
mission is 3JD per cheque, which amounts to 22% of a $20 cheque.
So you'd better keep some strong foreign cash handy.
Like in every port of arrival to any country, transportation to
the next town (Aqaba is 10km away) is organized by cut-throats.
The taxi-drivers want 1JD each, which would normally cover the
five-fold distance. And they know they have the monopoly, as the
last bus is long gone. We eventually bargain them down to 0.7JD
each, but should rather have hitchhiked. But this was already to
be our last complaint about Jordan. The Brit leaves us, as he
wants to catch up with his travel group. Aqaba turns out to be a
very lively city at night. Hot gushes of desert air stream
through the city. The Jordanians, if not indifferent to travelers
(this is paradise), display their legendary friendliness in case
you do need assistance (paradise again). A man actually tem-
porarily leaves his cup of tea at a bar to show us the way to the
Jerusalem Hotel. Once set up there, we head out to the Mohandis
Cafeteria for a very filling falafel and shish kebab dinner.
Day 23: Aqaba --> Wadi Musa --> Petra --> Wadi Musa
By now completely accustomed to the Arab way of life, we get up
at 5:30am to catch the first service taxi to Wadi Musa. As we
head north, the road gains elevation. Most of the Jordanian and
Iraqi (since the Gulf War) economies depend on Aqaba, so enormous
truck columns are to be seen on this road. When it eventually
splits into the Desert Highway (a boring straight road to Amman)
and into the Kings Highway (an age-old caravan route, zigzagging
through spectacular mountain scenery until Amman), the driver
chooses the latter in order to avoid having to overtake all these
trucks. Past the Wadi Rum plateau (see below), the taxi slowly
escalates a tectonic rift to the next-higher plateau. Then we
turn west, and soon arrive at Wadi Musa. I'm very surprised how
green Jordan actually is here: fields are rife for harvest,
bushes and flowers abound, and there is the occasional wooded
Our hotel is right next door to the rock that Moses once struck
with his stick, whence a source miraculously appeared from it.
Thus the name of the village: Wadi (river, valley) Musa (Moses).
Note that Muslims accept the Bible and the Thora as Holy Scrip-
tures, though with some major restrictions: Jesus didn't die on
the cross, and the Church is accused of significant alterations
to the Bible and Gospels. The whole area here is full of places
that are mentioned in the Bible, but I do not delve into these
Our receptionist calls two taxis for the 5km ride to Petra. We
purchase site tickets, and head into the Siq, a 2km long, at
times only 2m wide, but 100m high gorge, which was created by a
rock shift. Package tourists of course rent horses for this hike,
a decision they are to regret until the end of their lives. The
gorge gets narrower, and higher, and then... probably the most
stunning sight in the world. Steven Spielberg's Indiana Jones and
the Last Crusade had us all prepared, and tense with expecta-
tions, but reality literally takes your breath away. At the end
of the Siq, we get the first glimpse of the rock-hewn facade of
el Khazneh (the Treasury). The morning sun splendidly illuminates
this temple, and we stand frozen in awe at this magnificent
sight. Once we have "recovered", we enter the temple. It's not
caves behind, but actual rooms with vertical walls, horizontal
ceilings, and right angles all over. All surfaces are very
smooth, and the naturally alternating rose, red, yellow, amber,
brown, and grey tones of the rock are very pleasing.
Here starts Petra (Greek for stone), the 2,500-year-old capital
of the ancient Nabatean Kingdom. They were a prosperous, peaceful
people of nomadic ascent, and the first Bedouin democracy. Never
vanquished by the Romans, they nevertheless joined the Roman Em-
pire towards the end of their glory days (106 AD). Then Petra got
forgotten, except for a short occupation by early Christians and
crusaders. Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, a young Swiss orientalist,
"rediscovered" Petra in 1812, but not without converting to Islam
and using considerable ruse in order to delude the local
Bedouins. The area of Petra covers about 200sqkm, so a few days
are more appropriate than Japanese-style lightning visits. Not
all buildings are rock-hewn, though the free-standing buildings
have all but one crumbled under their age or the various earth-
quakes. El Khazneh has long been believed to contain a treasure
in the urn on top of its 40m high facade, and that urn is thus
pock-marked by rifle shots aiming at breaking it up. Otherwise,
because of its natural protection from wind and water erosion
(it's situated in a basin), Petra's monuments have survived the
millennia very well, transforming the hike through the Siq into a
ride on a time machine. The architecture is distinctive, was how-
ever long believed to be Roman. Instead of working against the
stone, by cutting it from quarries, hauling it over long dis-
tances, before assembling it into monuments, the Nabateans worked
with the stone, using it where they found it, thus skipping the
transportation and assembly tasks. The Egyptians used this tech-
nique only sparingly, their grandest example being Abu Simbel.
The choice location assured the Nabateans of continuous water
supplies, ingeniously distributed by aqueducts. Their Bedouin
descendants live here, but the Jordanian Government has recently
relocated most of them, in order to protect the most valuable
We stroll to the Roman Theater, past a series of tombs. From
there, we climb the ceremonial stairs towards the High Place of
Sacrifice, where spectacular views all over the area reward our
effort. A little used path past the Lion Fountain, the Triclini-
um, and the Tomb of the Roman Soldier takes us to downtown Petra.
We refuel on sandwiches and Pepsi at one of the numerous
Bedouin-operated refreshment stalls. Next we walk down the Cardo
Maximus, through the Monumental Gateway, towards Qasr el-Bint
(Castle of the Maiden), the only remaining freestanding building
here, though it looks like it will crumble anytime. The valley is
very beautiful with its numerous flowery bushes that perfume the
whole area.
On a temporary sugar-high, we steam upstairs to the Ed-Deir
monastery, so called because early Christians hid there, a long-
ish climb across superb rock scenery. This temple is a larger and
higher (45m) version of el Khazneh, and is well worth the effort.
It's depicted on the 5JD bank-note. A cool and shady cave is on
the plain just across it, and that's where we sit down, for
another Pepsi, in order to take in this awesome sight.
A young Bedouin decides to offer us a breathtaking stunt: he
climbs on a rope to the 36m high frieze, posing for pictures
there, thus showing the imposing size of the temple very clearly.
Then he angles like an ape to the very top of the 9m high urn-
structure. All judiciously spiced with intense moments of drama.
Then my heart stops: he actually jumps off the urn, landing a few
meters below on a sphere,... and keeps his balance,
il'Hamdulillah (thanks to God)!
Back to downtown Petra, we slowly proceed back to el Khazneh,
which is by now glowing in amazing purple, rose, and red tones.
Petra well deserves its surname of rose-red city. Across the Siq,
into a taxi, and into a well-deserved shower. "Down to one meal
per day", as Steve observes, we feast on chicken, rice, and salad
on the pleasantly cool terrace in front of our hotel.
Day 24: Wadi Musa --> Petra --> Wadi Musa
An emotional start for the day: after 18 days together, Susan and
Steve finally leave us. They head back to Cairo via Aqaba, to
pick up their luggage and finish their trip in Greece. Mark goes
with them, and Shaky leaves for Amman to get a travel permit for
the West Bank.
So that's Marc and I alone again. We hitchhike down to Petra, in
order to linger over details we skipped yesterday, and seek out
the odd place nobody visits. We start with the three-storied tem-
ple facing the Roman Theater. At the end of the Cardo Maximus, we
climb to the small Nabatean Museum on the hill behind Qasr el-
Bint. We circumvent the hill to find the Crusaders' Castle, but
judge it unimpressive. An adventurous climb straight down, and we
are ready for a Pepsi-stop. After a cheese sandwich somewhere
else, we have a look at the two remaining great temples: the Urn
Tomb and the Corinthian Tomb. Pretty much exhausted, we climb to
the shaded upper levels of the Roman Theater and relax while tak-
ing in the beauty of this valley.
Eventually, we head back to el Khazneh, for another awe-inspired
long stare. While hiking back through the Siq, we can't help
looking back to this gorgeous temple. Petra definitely is one of
the most spell-binding places I've visited so far. In terms of
man- influenced landscaping, I can only think of Cappadokia (Tur-
key) for a site that gave me similar emotions.
Our receptionist dishes up one of the best dinners in a long
time. We enjoy a good discussion with a French-Canadian pair--
gorgeous accent, as usual--, while watching yet another melo-
dramatic Egyptian soap-opera on TV, and then the English-spoken
10pm evening news, our daily reminder of what's going on in the
The West
The onslaught of Western "civilization" is resented by Islamic
"fundamentalists" who ask for a return to Islamic values, and the
rejection of Western influence, such as the dynamics of unguided
progress. The aim is to turn one's back to the West, so as to
purify from all corruption, and thus restore the former power.
Islam only seems a vehicle of dissent, as the main grudge is
against the humiliations of the Crusades, of colonialism with its
betrayals, artificial borders, and established ruling elites, of
the creation of Israel, and of Western double standards and in-
terventionism into their internal affairs. Indeed, let's not for-
get that Muslim civilization was the most advanced in the world
during five centuries in the Middle Ages, pushing science to lim-
its surpassed by the West only during the last century, favoring
free trade, educating literally everybody, giving equal opportun-
ities to women. Read Sigrid Hunke's apologetic Allah's Sun over
the Occident for a comprehensive enumeration of Muslim achieve-
ments that have later been attributed to others. Is this the kind
of society they want to restore? Sometimes I doubt this. Funnily,
many Jordanians happily tell you that they "hate" the USA for its
foreign policy and else, and yet, wearing blue jeans, drinking
Pepsi, or driving a Chevrolet are considered ultimate status sym-
Day 25: Wadi Musa --> Ma'an --> al Quweira --> Wadi Rum
Lured by other travelers arriving with colorful stories, we de-
cide to turn south again, and get to Wadi Rum. A rickety bus
takes us east to Ma'an, where Mustapha volunteers to show us the
other bus terminal, and insists on paying us a round of tea on
top of that. The bus- driver drops us at the crossing 5km south
of al Quweira, where the dead-end road to Wadi Rum starts.
There is a steady trickle of cars into and out of Wadi Rum, so
we're confident to make it there. And the first car stops. It's
actually a jeep, and its occupants are Mohammad and Ahmed. The
former is a captain of the Jordanian Desert Police, and the
latter is his driver. They bought their daily newspaper in al
Quweira, and are on the way back to their headquarters, 20km into
the valley. They are great fun to be with, and we're invited for
tea together with the whole company. They tell us that their main
mission is to track down drug smugglers from Saudi Arabia, and
that they are quite successful at it, although it often gets down
to shooting and killing. Soon a Danish family (the daddy is a
UN-employee on mission at the Golan Heights) on their way to Wadi
Rum is waved into the camp, to join in for the tea. What a hos-
pitable people, these Jordanians! If you're not offered tea at
least three times a day, there must be something seriously wrong
with your attitude.
Eventually, we get up, exchange addresses with Mohammad, and
hitchhike the remaining 8km to Wadi Rum, across splendid desert
scenery. Monument Valley (Arizona) is maybe the best approxima-
tion I can think of.
Former "playground" of Lieutenant T. E. Lawrence's military ex-
ploits with Arab insurgents against the crumbling Ottoman Empire,
this place indeed looks out-of-this- world. A 2km wide sandy
plain over-grown here and there with the odd bush--green at this
time of the year--stretches between two ranges of up to 1,750m
high cliffs, plus a maze of similar side-valleys. If it weren't
for the occasional Bedouin settlement, a jeep-ride here would al-
most feel like driving a vehicle on Mars. This area was of course
chosen by David Lean to shoot his monumental epic Lawrence of
Arabia, romanticized from Lawrence's autobiographic Seven Pillars
of Wisdom. Lawrence was and remains a very controversial, and
enigmatic, character, but he has meanwhile been debunked and pro-
ven to be a "spinner of fantastic tales" (says David Fromkin, in
A Peace to End All Peace) aiming at self- aggrandizement, and
deliberately deceiving the Arabs about the true nature of British
plans about the carving-up of the Ottoman Empire (such as the
Sykes-Picot Agreement and the Balfour Declaration).
Splitting a jeep with the Danish family for the afternoon, we
head out into the desert. The driver takes us to Abu Aineh, which
is also called Lawrence's Well, because the latter liked to hang
out there, and on to Khazali, a narrow gorge with old inscrip-
tions on the walls. A long ride in total isolation, except for
the occasional black Bedouin tent, camel or goat herd, gets us to
Burdah, a spectacular rock-bridge that is about 15m high. The
remaining stops, at Lawrence's House (nice view), some sand-
dunes, and more ancient rock graffiti, are of lesser interest,
but the main thing remains of course the landscape.
The Danes leave for Petra, and Marc and I picnic on the groceries
we brought in from Wadi Musa, or just bought in the local store
because the government-operated Rest House is pretty steep in
terms of meals. In the starry evening, we relax and discuss the
highlights and flops of the journey, now that we've seen all the
major sites. There are no hotels here, so we rent a tent behind
the Rest House.
Day 26: Wadi Rum --> al Quweira --> Ma'an --> al Qatraneh --> Kerak
After breakfast, we spend an hour by the road in order to hitch a
ride out of Wadi Rum. The first five drivers are money-anxious
hawks, so we let them go by. The next Bedouin is very friendly
though, and lets us sit on the back of his ramshackle pickup
truck. At km 8, we spot our friends from the Desert Police, and
both sides engage in emphatic hand-waving to bid good-bye.
At the al Quweira crossing, Ayman, a young agricultural engineer
on his way from Aqaba to Ma'an, loads us into his powerful busi-
ness car. This is fortunate, because the road north to Ma'an is
very steep, and the trucks are of course awfully slow on this
stretch: about 30km/h. Moreover, quite a few spectacular truck-
accidents make us decide not to try hitching one of these. The
music from the tape sounds like Algerian Rai, and Ayman is quite
happy that I know something about it. The performer is Cheb
Khaled with his controversial lyrics, and Ayman wants to offer me
the tape when he drops us off in Ma'an.
We flag down a minibus north to al Qatraneh, the crossing for the
road to Kerak. Two enthusiastic young Palestinians--by now we are
pretty much out of the Bedouin area--offer us a ride west to
Kerak, where we check into the Castle Hotel. We take a much-
needed shower, and dress in our last set of clean clothes.
The Crusaders' Castle is pretty impressive, hovering on the hill
amidst Kerak. Especially the huge underground galleries are worth
some poking around, with a flashlight. The crusaders must have
been happy to have these cool galleries, to escape the heat when
under siege. Built by Baudouin I (from Bouillon, Belgium), this
fortress is of course a must- see for Marc, although we don't en-
dorse the misguided fanaticism of the Crusades: read Amin
Maalouf's excellent The Crusades through Arab Eyes for the other
point of view, and for an analysis of the geo-political and so-
cial consequences.
Then a stroll through this lively small-town, where we try a few
fruit juices. Back at the hotel, we have a fun conversation with
Tariq, the young receptionist. George (USA) and Frank (Ireland),
the other two travelers who just arrived, join in as well. We
dine on grilled meat at the nearby Fida Restaurant.
The Gulf War
King Hussein and his people aligned themselves with Saddam
Hussein during the Gulf War. The trade embargo on Iraq thus took
much longer than expected to take effect, as Iraq had a vital ar-
tery from Aqaba to Bagdad. The growing rift between Gulf Arabs
and other Arabs became very apparent to the West, namely as a
rift between rich and poor nations. The former are accused by the
latter to have repressive governments backed by the Western
powers, not to share their wealth, to discriminate against Pales-
tinians and other immigrants. So it is little wonder that Jordan,
a small, oil-less country, with a 30-70% Palestinian population-
-according to viewpoints--hailed Saddam Hussein as a restorer of
Arab dignity, and this independently of his later attempts to
link the Gulf War to the Israel problem. Today it is still possi-
ble to buy Saddam Hussein T-shirts in Jordan, and some restau-
rants feature his portrait right next to King Hussein's.
On the Desert Highway, the Iraq-bound convoys actually contain
quite some illegal cargo circumventing the embargo, and oil-
tankers stream from Bagdad to Amman as baksheesh. [Note: Severe
checks have recently been imposed by the CIA.] Amman's popula-
tion, mostly Palestinian refugees anyway, has recently swollen by
400,000 people, refugees from the Gulf War. This 50% increase
doesn't go by without difficulties, and some Jordanians complain
about feeling less secure, and about the disappearance of other
values, or is it a reappearance? George Bush is of course con-
sidered the ultimate enemy, but US- ians get easily by, as long
as they make clear that they don't approve Bush's intervention-
ism. Yasser Arafat's popularity is declining as Palestinians grow
discontent about his autocratic leadership that is not responsive
to the changing world scene.
Day 27: Kerak --> Amman
After breakfast, we take a bus with Frank to Amman. Too bad
though that the Kings Highway is closed for repair, because we'll
miss Wadi al-Mujib (a famous gorge), and Madaba (well-known for
its mosaics) by skirting around them on the Desert Highway.
Malesh. On the bus, Frank realizes he has forgotten his passport
in Kerak. We decide to call the hotel from Amman, so that George
can bring it along when he moves on tonight.
At Wahdat Station in Amman, we catch a service taxi (#27) to
downtown Amman, where we check into the friendly Vinicia Hotel.
Fahmi, the receptionist, calls Tariq in Kerak because of the
passport, and the latter insists on delivering it himself, as he
has business to do in Amman anyway. This is quite extraordinary,
and indeed, 2 hours later, Tariq is there to deliver the passport
to the grateful Frank.
Amman, the Greek Philadelphia, is a fairly modern and clean city,
built upon a series of hills. Traffic is just as mad as in Cairo.
But there are not many sights, the main attraction lying in the
legendary friendliness of the easy-going people. Downtown Amman
is a very popular area, and that's where the traveler wants to
spend his time. There is the el Husseiny Mosque, the eldest
mosque in Jordan, and recently restored. A few hundred meters
down the road is the impressive Roman Theater (6,000 seats), in
front of which is a shaded park, and a large pedestrian square,
which are great hang-outs all day long.
While overviewing the place from the top ranks of the theater, we
are temporarily joined by Nidal, a Palestinian student. As the
guardian doesn't seem to tolerate his being with us (after some
recent incident, Jordanians can technically be arrested for being
with foreigners), we go down for a cup of tea in the park.
The hill right in front has some remnants of a Citadel. We climb
onto it, and enjoy a pleasant view all over Amman. Ali, the pol-
iceman guarding the site, invites us for tea at his house. He
adds some home-grown na-na (mint) leaves to the tea, giving it a
flavor I like a lot, just like in Morocco. He is very happy to
have somebody to talk to: the poor fellow is alone all day.
From the Citadel, we spot two beautiful mosques that seem worth
the detour. We first head to the nearest, namely the recently
built King Abdallah Mosque, on Jebel Webdeh. It features a nice
blue roof. In the immediate vicinities are two Christian
churches, providing a nice reminder of the religious crossroads
Jordan is. On the way down, we are "abducted" by Mahmoud, a jour-
nalist of the Al Hasad monthly magazine. At their headquarters,
he offers us tea, and a recent copy of the magazine, while intro-
ducing us for a fun conversation to the rest of the editorial
Eventually, we get going, and walk down Sharia King Hussein, to-
wards downtown Amman again. We pass in front of some ministry,
where public writers wait for business under sun-umbrellas. We
ask one of them to let us have a look at his typewriter, because
we've never seen an Arabic keyboard before.
From the fruit market near the el Husseiny Mosque, we climb up
the steep stairs onto Jebel el-Ashrafiyeh, in search of the other
mosque we spotted from the Citadel. The Abu Darwish Mosque is
indeed very original with its pleasant alternation of black and
white stones, and the view from there is even better than the one
from the Citadel. It strikes us that many houses feature minia-
ture Eiffel towers on their roofs: they are meant to hide the
disgraceful TV antennas.
By now we are pretty exhausted for the day, and slowly head back
to the centre. We decide to celebrate this last evening at Al
Quds, one of the most famous restaurants in town. It looks like a
pastry shop from the outside, but at the back is a dining space
with classy waiters. We order the house's specialty, namely men-
sef (the Jordanian national dish), plus their recommended lemon
juice. This dish consists of a bed of rice topped by a yogurt
sauce with cashews and raisin, and finally a piece of mutton
stew. A butter sauce is served along. For desert, we treat our-
selves to some of their delicious pastry. Total cost: only 3JD
Jordan as a tourist destination
Considering the lack of oil, and all recent historic events (huge
absorptions of refugees in 1948, 1967, and 1991), the Jordan
economy is in surprisingly good shape. But the "punishment" by
some Gulf states for their supporting Iraq might hurt badly in
the long run. The JD was a very strong currency, until its recent
50% drop. Only then has Jordan become an affordable destination
for budget travelers, although the government's tourism bureau
has totally forgotten these by only building first-class Rest
Houses: well, agreed, they have to start somewhere, and package
tourists bring more cash. Politics are relatively stable, too,
although King Hussein has been surviving coup attempts for 40
years now. And as I hope to have shown, there is so much to see
there. So it is a mystery to me why so few people ever bother to
go there. To quote Hugh Finlay (Lonely Planet): "Jordan is the
most under-rated tourist destination in the world". Right!
Day 28: Amman --> Paris --> Brussels
After a breakfast at the well-situated Hilton Bar--a pompous name
for this tea house with a dominating view over downtown Amman--we
bid farewell to Frank. A service-taxi (#6) takes us to the Abdali
bus-station, where we board a bus to Queen Alia Airport (32km
south of Amman). All procedures are pretty straightforward,
though a hefty exit charge (10JD) is levied by the airport au-
thorities. This is the end of a great journey.
Part I (Egypt) of this travelogue is available as:
The *entire* text is available from the author in various other forms
(ASCII, PostScript), as *unique* files.
Pierre Flener, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Engineering Email:
and Information Science http: //
Faculty of Engineering Voice: +90 / 312 / 266-4000 x1450
Bilkent University (GMT+2) +90 / 312 / 266-5031 (home)
06533 Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey Fax: +90 / 312 / 266-4126