(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Center for Computer Vision and Visualization (CCVV)
The University of Florida's
CCVV was established to serves two main purposes:
to promote basic and applied research in all aspects of computer vision,
computer visualization, and closely related areas of research,
and to provide a research environment for faculty and graduate students with
research interests in computer vision and visualization.
Faculty participation within the Center is interdisciplinary.
The Center provides a structure and focus for the interaction of
U.F. faculty and technical visitors from industry, government facilities, and
foreign and domestic institutes.
The Center has been the site for several workshops for representatives from
business, the U.S. Government, and foreign governments (United Kingdom, Canada,
and Australia).
The CCVV focuses on computer vision and visualization including key
disciplines that support these areas.
Computer vision provides the analysis of real-world image data, whereas
visualization synthetically produces images based on dynamic models created
from real-world data; therefore these two disciplines are complementary
aspects of visually oriented scientific study.
There are also core areas that support both vision and visualization.
For instance, image algebra and pattern recognition methods are tools
for image processing and image understanding; physically based
modeling is a dynamical tool used to reconstruct objects from image
data. Computer simulations, computer graphics, and dynamical systems
theory support an understanding of the world through synthetic means,
and visualization of their analysis output aid us in better
understanding real-world behavior.
Current Research Activities
Technical Reports List
Faculty Participants
G.X. Ritter
Director, Computer and Information Sciences
F.J. Bova
Radiation Therapy
P.A. Fishwick
Computer and Information Sciences
A.F. Laine
Computer and Information Sciences
P.E. Livadas
Computer and Information Sciences
J. Staudhammer
Electrical Engineering
B.C. Vemuri
Computer and Information Sciences
D.C. Wilson
- Mathematics
J.N. Wilson
Computer and Information Sciences
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