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CIS Seminars

CIS Departmental Seminars

This page includes pointers to seminars given in the UF CISE Department from the time this page was set up. The Barr Systems Dinstinguished Lecture Series talks are intended for a general audience, and most of them have been taped (since spring of 1995). These are held in the afternoon or evening in the CSE building basement, usually in room CSE-E121 or CSE-E122 (FEEDS Studio C).

Departmental seminars are more technical in nature, and include many student talks. They are usually in the large conference room CSE-E305, which is accessed through the main CISE office. The date, speaker and title are given on the pages accessed through the links below; these pages also include pointers to the advertisements for the talk. Time, place and abstract along with other information are provided by the advertisement.