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OSU Computer and Information Science


General Topics:

Graduate Study

- Basic information on the degrees, facilities, faculty, etc. that OSU offers its graduate students.

Technical Reports

- On-line archive of the department's technical reports.


Groups and Projects:

Constraint Logic Programming

- Research on design, implementation and application of constraint logic programming languages.


- Information about the Intelligent Simulation Group at Ohio State.


- Information about the Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence Research - research, people, publications.

Parallel Architecture and Communication (PAC) Group

- Information about the PAC group research activities and publications.

Perception and Neurodynamics

- Information about the Perception and Neurodynamics group at Ohio State.

Reusable Software Research Group (RSRG)

- Information about the RSRG, its research, and related research.

Volume Visualization

- Some of the computer graphics research topics in our department.

Computer Graphics

- Information about the faculty, research and courses offered in Graphics, as well as some nifty images.

Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing Group

- Information about Professor Jayasimha's research group.


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Joe Reiss
Last modified: Wed May 31 09:11:44 1995