(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
The computer interest floor is an RLAC approved special interest housing group
at the University of Rochester. We are located on the Tenth and Eleventh
floors of DeKiewiet Tower, part of GLC (the Graduate Living Center), on the
U of R's Southside campus.
CGI Programs:
- Counter, Clock, and Date images
- Example: You are user number .
All about the Computer Interest Floor:
- The purpose of CIF's existance
- Services we offer
- Requirements of Special Interest Housing
- The CIF Constitution
- The logo
- The Graduate Living Center, CIF's home
- A Floorplan of the two floors.
- How to become a member of CIF.
CIF Members:
- Current Board Members
- Current Lab Staff
- Current Member Home Pages
The CIF Lab Machines:
- Current Machine Status
- Roundtable
- Camelot