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- incorporating NEWS FROM ICELAND

Your monthly Iceland information service

The ICELAND Reporter is the only regular English-language newspaper service from Iceland. For over twenty years NEWS FROM ICELAND has provided its readers with the strongest, most reliable link with Iceland. This effort continues and evolves as NEWS FROM ICELAND is incorporated into The ICELAND Reporter, expecting to serve its readers even better in the future.

General News - Politics - International Relations - Environment - Social Affairs - Business - Trade - Industry - The Economy - Fisheries - Travel - Lifestyles - Arts and Entertainment - Icelanders and Friends Around the World - The Iceland Horse - Calendar of Events

BUSINESS - Special section every month. Your Iceland business lifeline, outlining the facts, trends and profiles in the economy, finance, trade and industry.

FISHERIES where the world looks to Iceland. Your monthly update in catch figures, fish processing, and exports.

TRAVEL - Special section every month. Filled with features on travel and places designed to keep you in the picture for your Iceland trip, while providing up-to-date coverage of the latest patterns and developments in Iceland's rapidly expanding tourism industry - including What's On - a calendar of coming events.

Annual subscription rate:
US$28.00 (airmail in Europe or surface mail worldwide)
US$35.00 (airmail outside Europe).
Order form

Postal address: Höfdabakki 9, 112 Reykjavík, Iceland. Telefax: 354-567-4066
