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University of Bath

Searching the Internet

For info: Access to remote Web pages from Bath... a summary

If you want to search for information on a particular subject try the Internet resources organised by subject section. Some of them let you do keyword searches, others let you browse through alphabetical lists of subjects, gradually narrowing down your search until you find what you're looking for.

If you know the specific type of information (for example E-mail discussion list, online library catalogue or campus wide information system at another university or e-mail address or telephone number of someone in another organisation) then choose the relevant section from those listed above.

Alternatively let the computer do the searching for you. There are a wide range of different methods for searching the Internet, most of which can be accessed through the keyword searching for experts section.

Finally, here are some (big) lists of resources available on the World Wide Web:

Last update: 12 March 1996

BUCS, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY - webmaster@bath.ac.uk

[University of Bath]