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University of Bath

Making information available at Bath

The Bath CIS group welcome suggestions for information that should be put up on the Bath WWW server. We're even happier if you offer to make the information available and keep it up to date.

Before making any information available via the Bath Web server please read:

If you would like to become an information provider read on...

How can I make information available?

Web pages
The World Wide Web is made up of a set of pages of information that are made available by WWW servers distributed across the Internet. These pages of information are written in HTML, a fairly simple mark up language, and are linked together by things called URLs. The URL for the Bath Home page is

Web pages at Bath

At Bath, pages of information are either held in files located in a central area on one of the BUCS machines or they can be held under users' home directories. Many of the files held in the central area are looked after by BUCS or Library staff, some are under the control of other information providers.

Creating your own pages
You can experiment with HTML by creating a directory called public_html in your home directory on mary, midge or ss1. See

for more information about how you might create HTML files at Bath.

Personal home pages
If you want to put up some information about yourself put it in a file in your public_html directory called home.html. For example
A simple way to create a home page for yourself is to run the mkhome command on mary, ss1 or midge. This will create a minimal personal home page for you, (name, postal address, phone and fax numbers and E-mail address). The file is well commented so you should be able to edit it to your liking by hand fairly easily.

Once you've created your personal home page it will automatically be added to the list of all personal home pages at Bath. It will also be found by the software that allows Web users to search for information about people at Bath.

Home pages for Clubs and Societies

BUCS recommend that clubs and societies obtain a special username for use by the club. Information about the club can then be put up by creating a personal home page for that username.

Summaries of accesses to personal home pages

Summaries of accesses to all personal home pages for last month are held here.

Comments forms

Can I add a form to my pages so that people can send me their comments? Yes. See these notes on working with forms for details.

Clickable images
You want to have an image that people can click on? Some notes about working with clickable images are available.

Making non-personal pages available to others
If you create pages of information in your public_html area that are not just about you, contact


in the first instance. We can set up the main Bath Web server to point to the pages under your home directory or consider moving your page(s) of information into the central area.

Other Bath Web servers

You serve up Web pages from your own HTTP daemon running on your very own machine? No problem - though in the main we recommend that you do use the central Bath Web server. If you want us to link to it contact cwis-admin@bath.ac.uk and let us know where it is.

See also

Last updated: 6 December 1995

University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY - webmaster@bath.ac.uk

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