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Apple Computer

Online Publications of Interest

Many computer-oriented publications are now available at Internet-accessible sites. This list represents a few periodical publications of interest to Apple customers.

Visit the the Apple and Macintosh user groups page and the list of Apple-related vendors to find newsletters and magazines published by those organizations.

Apple's Own Publications

develop, The Apple Technical Journal
Apple's quarterly technical journal for developers. Selected articles from each new issue will be available online.
Apple Directions
This monthly developer business report communicates Apple's strategic, business, and technical directions.
The Information Alley
The Information Alley newsmagazine helps Apple computer users get full use of their Apple computers, peripherals and software. See the Library of Information Alley issues for complete current and back issues.
HotNews is a daily digest of news and events in the computer industry, as well as an overview of new corporate communications information from Apple.
SALON presented by Apple Computer and Adobe Systems
SALON is an interactive magazine of books, arts and ideas. Inside SALON, people find not only well-known authors, artists and thinkers, but a lively community of readers and kindred spirits eager to discuss cultural issues.

Magazines, eZines and Newsletters

ComputerBits Online - Oregon's Digital Magazine
Based in Portland, Oregon, ComputerBits magazine covers a range of computing topics including columns for Macintosh users and Internet resources.
Computer Currents
Visit Computer Currents Interactive to access Computer Currents magazine, receive product bids, and more. Contains two Mac columns and Mac User Groups listings
From the founder of UserLand Software, "amusing rants" on Internet topics.
Het Nederlandse ezine voor Macintosh gebruikers. This electronic magazine is produced for users in the Benelux and written mostly in Dutch. See the "Epilogue" and "The Smarter Mac" for articles in English.
Macintosh programming WebZine. (2/26/96: resNotFound -192)
The Digital Movie News
"Reviewing Movie Making Software for the Macintosh and Windows PC." Part of Debra Porter's HomePort Hollywood.
Info-Mac Digest
Consists of Info-Mac Archive submission announcements describing the latest shareware and Q & A letters from readers. Part of the all-volunteer Info-Mac effort.
InfoWorld Electric
Designed to be a useful and compelling service for InfoWorld readers with daily news updates, discussion forums, and searchable archives.
Mac Net Journal 2
"A resource for reliable information about shareware and provocative analysis of the Macintosh at work around the world."
The Mac Online
This U.K. publication is now online with the latest MacNews, NetNews, The Guide to Macintosh products available in the U.K., The Games Room , and the TalkBack area.
MacCentral is a monthly electronic magazine providing a platform from which to promote, discuss, inform and generally wonder at the World which is Macintosh.
Mac*Chat, a free, weekly electronic newsletter for Macintosh users in production professions. A friendly look at tools and tips for beginners.
Mac/Chicago, The Resource for Chicagoland Macintosh Users
Selected articles from Digital Chicago, the classified ads, and a listing of Chicagoland Macintosh User Groups from this bimonthly printed magazine.
MacFormat from Future Publishing
The table of contents from each issue since October 1994 along with selected top articles from recent issues of this monthly British Macintosh magazine.
Macintosh Developers Guide
Complitation of the latest in Macintosh tools for developers published twice a year by JointSolutions Marketing.
Macintosh Software Update Report
"Newsletter for Macintosh network managers, VARs and consultants." Sample issue available for review, full recent issues available to subscribers.
"Information and services for productive Mac computing" from Ric Ford, author of the MacWeek MacInTouch column.
MacSense Online offers readers up-to-the-minute news, valuable resources, the NetPub, and, of course, an online edition of the magazine. Published in Ottawa, Canada.
MacTech Magazine
The MacTech Web site supports the Mac OS programmer and developer community with an online version of MacTechMagazine and access to a number of useful places on the net for Mac developers.
"An Irreverent, Off-The-Wall, PC-Slamming, Totally Biased Look at the Macintosh"
Offering a full year's worth of Macworld magazine online in a searchable format, an extensive software library, message boards, specific online-only content and more.
PowerPC News
Free electronic magazine covering all aspects of the IBM, Apple and Motorola jointly developed technology. Published every two weeks by Internet Publishing.
Publish RGB
Publish RGB is the online companion to Publish magazine. A comprehensive online resource for graphic designers and production specialists working in today's media.
"A free weekly electronic publication that reports on interesting products and events in the computer industry, currently with an emphasis on the world of the Macintosh."
Ziff-Davis Publications
ZD Net -- Ziff-Davis home page "The complete computing resource featuring all the Ziff-Davis magazines."

MacUser "Helping Mac users to maximize their systems, software and peripherals."

MacWEEK "Late-breaking news on products, companies and technologies."

PC Magazine "The industry's most complete PC news, trends and reviews."

PC Week "Top daily news stories and original commentary."

ZD Labs "World's largest independent computer product testing lab."

Ziff-Davis Benchmark Operations "Most recent releases of the Ziff-Davis Mac and PC benchmark programs."

Send in your links!
If you know of an online publication of interest to Apple customers, please forward the name and location to webmaster@apple.com

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last modified by WIZ on February 26, 1996