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Pick one of these PDF document categories, and see what Adobe® Acrobat® software can do.

Using the Adobe Acrobat family of software, any business can publish, access, and manage documents electronically, preserving the exact look and feel. What's more, you can send these documents anywhere. So how can this make your business run more effectively and efficiently? For starters, workgroups can work like real groups, sharing all documents electronically no matter what the media, whether on CD-ROM or using Lotus Notes®. Just publish any document once in the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and distribute it to anyone, anywhere - even on the World Wide Web. You can instantly update your field force, giving them the information they need to close a sale on the spot. Use new Adobe Acrobat Capture(TM) software to bring paper documents back to life, turning them into flexible, searchable, electronic documents. Adobe Acrobat is the universal electronic publishing tool. For more information, call 1-800-27-ADOBE (272-3623).

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