Our World-Wide Web server can found at http://www.adobe.com/Our Anonymous FTP server can be found at ftp.adobe.com
We've also got some hyperlinks to other sources on the Internet.
On CompuServe, type:go adobeapp for the Adobe products forum.
On America On-line, type the keyword:adobe for the Adobe products forum.
On the Microsoft Network, type:adobe at the go prompt for the Adobe products forum.
To access Adobe's BBS, you will need a modem and a terminal emulation program that supports VT-100 or ANSI emulation (such as MicroPhone or WhiteKnight on the Macintosh or Terminal which ships with Windows on the PC). Here are the steps to log on and find out what's available:
- Settings: Your modem should be set to 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, speeds up to 28.8 Kbs.
- Dial: 1-206-623-6984
- Log in with your own name and select a password. Please note that Adobe BBS will not accept a blank as either USERID or PASSWORD.
- Follow the instructions on the BBS to get Adobe Systems' front end to the BBS (FirstClass). Macintosh users should download FirstClass Client application and the Adobe Settings File, while Windows users should only download FirstClass Client for Windows application. These files are available in the "New User Info" - "FC Client Interface" conference.
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