(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996) ALEPH WWW Server
U. Of Haifa Library - ALEPH WWW Server
Please note:
This is an experimental program. It may not always be available or
work properly.
Only Loazi (Latin alphabet) searching is currently available.
Hebrew data retrieved as part of a Loazi search displays from left to right
(backwards). Arabic data appears as "garbage" characters. [This will hopefully
be corrected soon]
Reader functions (placing holds, renewing books) are not yet available.
We are experimenting with linking images to cataloging records:
For an example of an art image (slide), search the painting: Diana
by Renoir.
For an example of a contents page, search for the title: Home, heaven
and mother party.
To see the linked images click on the image icon which appears in the cataloging display.
Sorry - since installation of the last software update (Feb. 1996) the image
link does not work.