Freedom press has been publishing anarchist titles for well over a hundred years. Freedom's anarchism stems from the conviction that the purpose of society is to increase individual opportunities. Freedom defines an anarchist society as one where nobody is boss over anybody else and individuals co-operatate voluntarily to increase everyones freedom of choice.
- The Greenwich leyline and Canary Wharf tower - What's the connection?
1995 edition - It's a guide to anarchist periodicals,publishers and organisations in the UK.
- The Class War Federation argues that society is divided into classes based on power and wealth, and this is the cause of most of the problems experienced by working class people the whole world over. Change will only happen when working class people organise themselves to use direct action against the institutions and individuals reponsible for these problems. The Class War Federation does not lead such action but tries to increase the militancy of working class people - through propaganda,active participation and debate.
- Don't let the name confuse you . An anarchist publishing house on the net. Lots of classic anarchist texts and some interesting book reviews. Plus instructions on how to make a perfect cup of tea. Click here for their home page and here for their international contacts list.
Louise Schuller