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with Dennis Bristow
Logging in from the "Actually tried it and liked it files"

THE POCKET REF is not new but very detailed, accurate and useful on a day to day basis. It combines a reference book of weights, measures, conversions, codes, computer languages, currency and everything relative to this area you may want to look up. It fits in your shirt pocket or purse - about 3" x 5" by 3/4". Available in the libraries, book stores, building supply firms, or any other variety of places.

I have hooked up a JET EYE INFRA RED Reader to my old Abaton (HP or Apple compatible) laser Printer to print from my HP LX200 Palmtop Computer, and it works!
I am the type of person who gets excited whenever I hook up anything to a computer and it works the very first time. The Infra Red adapter parallel port attachment also allows you to hook your computer/printer cable on simutaneously. Roll up the cord and put it in your pocket or briefcase for travel.

Well I cannot say enough good things about WINDOWS 95. It is simply a vast improvement on Windows 3.11 even if you never use a 32 bit application.
And if you can get to Office 95 and Works and Publisher 95, you will see all kinds of enhancements which make computing more intuitive.

One of my hang ups about MS WORD has always been the inadequate Outlining ability. (I was spoiled by WordPerfect) I like to use a legal type of outline - (e.g.: 1.1.1 ) and it was difficult to control in Word. Now with MS Word 7, all you do when you want to Outline is indent and type your number. Then you press enter to the next line it numbers automatically.

MS PUBLISHER has given more samples and movement with graphics such as turning them as well as several other useful things. I think there is probably an enhancement to satisfy just about everybody in this new set of Office programs to make the move to the '95 programs worth while.

If you are a traveler or just go to the odd out of town meeting and need to carry your computer, etceteras, a few cloths and files, brochures etc. and bring things back with you - get a TARGUS SHIRPA. It is the near ultimate roll on suitcase. It was made for the computer traveler with a removable notebook case and compartments for everything which allow easy access from outside of the bag. It handles the weight of all the stuff you end up carrying and still is allowed on board the airplane. If you want to send it
with the luggage just take out the small computer case and take your work on board. If you travel by car and just take a lot of stuff and need an easy way to get it to your destination meeting it is great.

The HP OMNIGO 100 - The latest and greatest toy this year ( in its relative field)

Tesseract Computers of Victoria, BC, (604-382-3475) let me borrow the new OmniGo or as it has been dubbed in some circles - the "OGO" - Palm Top Organizer from Hewlett Packardwhich is the newest entry in the Palm Top or Organizer field. It is an interesting and advanced (actually fantaaastic) user friendly machine that seems to offer a lot of the things that a business/financial or casual user would want. It "does not" replace the HP100/200LX by any means so don't get your "I just got an LX200 and they brought out something new hackles up". The HP 100/200 LX requires or is useful to people with some knowledge or need of MS DOS Systems.
The OmniGo also costs a lot less - around $495.00 Suggested Retail in Canada, and uses less costly accessories.

It has a flip-top so you can use it as an open book or a note pad, vertical or horizontal, and is both keyboard or pen operated. You can either write your information with the provided stylus (pen) or type it in. For example if you want to take a quick note you can just jot it down on the screen and store it as hand writing or turn it into a more permanent type written note with the character recognition software. (included) No, you don't have to install anything or even read the manual. It will change the hand writing to type as fast as 30 words per minute and appears to be more advanced in many ways than any other organizer on the market.
Until you start using it, the screen appears small and hard to see, but it is no harder to see than any other organizer on the market.

I'll list the things it will do and you will be amazed at how smart this little pocket (3 3/4" x 6" x 1" x under a LB. wonder is. By the way to get to all of these features all you do is press a button or tap the icon with your finger nail or included pen.

  1. - Appointment Book - lists and alarms appointments and has lots of space for notes as well as viewing hour, day, week, month, quarter.
  2. - To Do list - again has lots of space to make notes and also set time in time out.
  3. - Phone book - again with all sorts of room for notes for each entry
  4. - Data Base that you can customize to a degree -easily.
  5. - Spread sheet - a very easy way to do whatever you would normally do with a spread sheet.
  6. - Financial Tools- this is a very strong point because HP are known for their high quality calculators - and this employs all of the resources of all of them- financial , scientific etc.
  7. - Calculator- easy to use
  8. - Note Pad - very sophisticated note pad with its own filing system so you can make notes and then find them with ease type or write
  9. - Jotter - a quick pad that pops up anywhere for you to write in a quick not or phone number with out a great deal of fumbling around, and you can keep on writng for umpteen screens if you want.
  10. - World time and map so you can look up a city by area code or whatever
  11. - Stop watch and timer
  12. - Book reader - this is different - you can get all sorts of books or materials on PC cards and hold the organizer just like a pad or book and read or sort information
  13. - transfer - all of your files can be stored on a type 2 SRAM storage card to keep lots of free memory or you can transfer them to your windows PC - you'll always have backup.
  14. - Games - it has Solitaire installed, but you can get more games if this is what you like.
  15. - Help and demo on board so you never get stuck
  16. - You have to send away for a free Pocket Quicken accounting package - which I highly recommend along with the OmnGo paper and accessory catalogue.
  17. - It can also be set up to do many other things including fax and file transfer
  18. - There are various cables available to use this for printing directly to your, or anybody's printer and even transfer files to Windows or Mac machines.

This product is not just a whim - while it was brought to market by HP in a relative hurry it is highly organized as far as surrounding accessories which are being developed for it. It is not just a passing attempt to get some of the Xmas market and the best is yet to come. I cannot cover everything you can do with this machine in this column - but you can be sure I'll discover more neat stuff as I continue to use it.


In my previous column I mentioned the VOICE IT credit card size digital recorder which comes in sizes of 40 to 120 or more seconds. Because it is digital, the recording is on a chip, hence there is no tape to rewind. It has a case to put on your sun-visor for easy access for taking phone numbers or quick notes when you are driving and talking on the phone. I also carry one in my shirt pocket for quick memos and it never seems to be in the way or too heavy.

VOICE IT now has a FAMILY MESSAGE CENTER which works on the same principle only has more functions. The unit iss quite attractive, about the size of a palm top, comes in a bone color, only you mount it on the wall or use Velcro or included Magnets and put it on your fridge door. (240 seconds of recording time)
There are four "station" buttons that light up and let you put names on a plastic piece beside the buttons. You can leave a different message for each person or a "broadcast message" for everyone. It is easy to use - as you walk by you can just press the button and say " Myra phoned" (I am always forgetting to tell my wife that her friend phoned) or "pick up some copy paper" or "call your mother."
I have an office in my home so I can see myself using one at the entrance to the office (simple voice mail) and one in the kitchen.

The Voice It product line was a little slow in getting to the Canadian Market, but it is here now and seems quite popular. If you cant find the MESSAGE CENTER in a local store you can call direct to 970-221-1705 or Fax 970-221-2058. (their 800 number is not available in Canada) In BC contact London Drugs and they will probably order it for you.
It looks like it will retail for $119.00 US or $ umpf Canadian.

Hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season and get lots of new toys and gadgets!

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